Good Afternoon…..court was a long wait, but quickly done.  I spent the afternoon figuring out budget cuts.  There is a reason I became a social worker; I’m not the best mathematician.  One last meeting and I’m am going home to clean up a bit.  I need to be at work early again tomorrow.  It is starting to look like a rough week again.  How does that keep happening to me???  ARGH!!  Say NO, Jen!

I went for a walk this weekend, not even a very long one and my legs are still sore!!  Man, one week in bed and I have lost everything…plus I haven’t been able to exercise in over a month due to my asthma.  This weekend was the first walk I have taken.  Feels like I am starting from scratch, muscle aches and I gained back most of the weight that I had lost.  It wasn’t much, but I am going in the wrong direction..that is frustrating!  Seems like time to re-evaluate my goals again…….Off to a meeting…LATER!

0 thoughts on “

  1. Hugs!  I hope your legs aren’t sore tomorrow!

    My little one is 11 months!  He’s TINY, only about 16lbs or so and he’s wearing 6-9mos clothing.  But, he does have a little boy face, my 3 yo did, too.  They just never had classic baby faces.


  2. Ah, finally!  Someone who can relate to the health issues that I have.  I feel like I am at square one too.  I want to get out there and walk or work on the yard, but I have to take baby steps.  Five minutes here, five minutes there.  I sure hope that BOTH of us are closer to our physical potential very soon.

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