Morning!  I am so tired, I want to go back to bed!  ARGH!!  Yesterday I had to go to two meetings after my conference and stop at my office before coming home.  I got home at 8:00, YAWN!! 

I really hope today is different!   I plan on going to the conference and leaving at 3:00 to come home as Tommy has Musikgarten class at 6:00 and I have a church Conference meeting at 7:00.  I am tired though…….and Friday I am turning off my alarm clock and sleeping until I wake up…doesn’t that sound wonderful!  I am sure I will wake up early, always do when I try to sleep in. 

The the workshops I went to yesterday were pretty good.  I attend a very good on on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.  Very informative.  I left learning something new, that men that drink when trying to conceive can cause damage as well.  I thought it only could the the mother.  Drinking can damage the sperm that can cause learning, behavioral and attention problems in the child.  The Keynote speaker was a retired police officer from Nashville that spoke about domestic violence.  He also was a child of domestic violence. 

Josh was excited when I got home from the conference.  He loves all the goodies I get, like pens, key chains, note pads, etc.  He goes through the bag and finds the things he wants, and leaves the rest for me. 

I haven’t look at todays workshops to see what I will be attending, but I guess I should hit the shower and drive all the way across the cities to my conference.

Paul and I are going to start participating in “Fare for All”.  It is a food and resource exchange program or a cooperative food-buying program that allows people to strectch their food purchasing power.  Food is purchased by the truckload and the savings are passed on to the participants.  Each participant is asked to contribure two or more hours of volunteer service each month.   Since we are already doing the volunteer work at our church, it isn’t really any additional work. 

I hope everyone has a great day!  It is almost the weekend!  YEAH!!!  And I get a three day weekend….YEAH, Again! 

0 thoughts on “

  1. I just wanted to say hi, Jen.  I am trying to get caught up at Xanga.  I have been SO neglectful lately.  I am REALLY starting to feel better though, so watch out … I’ll be talking up a storm.   Have a great day!

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