OK….I did it….I thought it was hard to do.  I don’t have 100 interesting things about me!!!

1.        I was born in South Dakota. I lived in South Dakota until I was 18 years old.

2.        I moved to Minnesota with my one-year-old son.

3.        I love living in the Twin Cities, if I didn’t have children and was married I would love to live downtown in a high-rise apartment.  The true city life!

4.        I am able to draw fairly well.

5.        My mom taught me to sew and cook.

6.        I am obsessed with being organized at times.

7.        I had trouble with anorexia when I was a teen.

8.        I married my boss from when I worked as a check out at the grocery store.  (1st marriage)

9.        I married my best friend in 2000 and couldn’t ask for anything nicer. (2nd marriage)

10.   I suffered from infertility for 8 years.

11.   Tommy is a product of clomid, infertility treatment.   Thank you for answered prayers.

12.   I had two eggs, but only Tommy actually was fertilized. 

13.   We joke that Tommy ate his other sibling.

14.   I had gestational diabetes with Tommy.

15.   Tommy was my worse pregnancy.  I was very sick through out.

16.   I probably will not have more children due to how sick I was with Tommy.

17.   I secretly would love to have one more baby, a daughter.

18.   My hubby doesn’t want to have any more children.  Three is enough he says.

19.   My hubby went to every single Dr appointment with me while I was pregnant with Tommy.  I had 5 appointments a week towards the end.

20.   Erik is my stepson from my hubby’s first marriage.

21.   I have asthma and.   I am diagnosed with Interstitial Cystitis, which is under good control.

22.  I am VERY SCARED of BATS!!  They freak me out!  I can’t even watch them on TV without getting goose bumps. 

23.   I love Diet Mountain Dew!, even though I am not suppose to due to my bladder problems.

24.   I rarely drink alcohol, but my favorite drink is tequila.

25.   I sometimes sleep with my eyes open and even drool occasionally.

26.   I talk in my sleep.

27.   I like to cross-stitch

28.   I teach my baby sign language.

29.   I love to read.  The library is one of my favorite places in the world.  I will read books about anything that interests me at the moment.  But always have a good fiction book going as well.  Cookbooks are a lot of fun too!

30.   I love to cook

31.   I have three magazine subscriptions:  Quick Cooking, Taste of Home and Parenting.

32.   I was taught to drive by my brother at the age of 14.

33.   I have three older brothers.

34.   I have one older sister.

35.   My next oldest sibling is 9 years older than me.

36.   My family isn’t very close for the most part.

37.   My childhood wasn’t perfect.

38.   My nephew has autism.

39.   I have an aunt diagnosed with Schizophrenia.

40.   I often fall asleep with a book in bed with me.  My hubby tries to put it away and I say “I’m reading that!”

41.   I sing a lullaby and dance with my baby every night before putting him to bed.

42.   I rarely watch TV.  The only shows I watch are:  Friends, Judging Amy, Law and Order and ER.   I don’t even watch all those each week.

43.   I met my hubby online on a local computer bulletin board system.  My handle was jasmine and his stickman.

44.   Nervous habit:  Chew my fingers until then bleed.

45.   I worry a lot.

46.   I took Spanish in high school and college.

47.   I attended two years of graduate school.

48.   I am a licensed social worker.

49.   I work with children with developmental disabilities, but prefer to work with kids with autism.

50.   I am currently developing 2 SLS’s (supervised living situations) for children on my case load.

51.   I don’t’ have time for people that won’t pull their weight.

52.   I don’t care to associate with people who are always negative or play the victim.

53.   I maintain three calendars: one at work, one at home and my planner.

54.   I handle all the finances in our home. 

55.   I love to go to garage sales.

56.   I love to be cheap!

57.   My hubby is not as thrifty as me!

58.   I am a flybaby.  Flylady makes sense to me!

59.   I love to makes lists!! And I actually do my lists!

60.   I love my job and most of my co-workers!

61.   I have more hobbies and interests than I do time! Gardening, reading, sewing, cooking, home repair and decorating. 

62.   I like pampered Chef products.

63.   I sell and buy things on E-bay.

64.   I was raised Lutheran and still worship as a Lutheran. 

65.   I believe in raising my children within the church.

66.   I am active in my church.  I try at attend church twice a week.

67.   I have a temper.

68.   I have thrown a lamp when angry before.

69.   I rarely get angry anymore.   I have not thrown anything in the last 4 years.

70.   I belong to three book groups:  Bookmoms, Bookies and A book group at my work.

71.   I like to avocados.  Tommy loves them!

72.   My favorite snack are Doritos, with a Diet Mt Dew of course!

73.   I broke my collarbone when I was a child on my bike.

74.   I had stitches on my face from a bike accident with my brother, Monte.

75.   I procrastinate!

76.   I have not ordered all the pictures from my wedding two years ago, yet.

77.   I wish I could be a Stay at home mother.

78.   I would like to work part-time.

79.   If I don’t write a list I forget everything.   I am easily side-tracked!

80.   I like to have parties and friends over to play board games.

81.   My favorite board games are Cranium and Clue.

82.   I don’t like video games, but can beat my son on pac man.

83.   I collect decorative signs for my entryway.  My sister just gave me a new one for spring.

84.   I like to frequently send greeting cards and thank you notes so people know I am thinking of them.

85.   I love to eat Quesadillas.

86.   I make really good Egg Rolls.

87.   I am a democrat.

88.   I hubby’s family are republicans.

89.   I vote every election.

90.   I voted for Jesse Ventura.  (Hangs head in shame, hubby persuaded me)

91.   Sometimes I wish I would have become a teacher.  I never knew how much I enjoy teaching until I had my children. 

92.   We home school our children over the summer to maintain their skills.

93.   I get stuck on brands, like only hanes underwear, only Lee Casual dress pants for work.  I have a hard time finding a new kind I like once the stop making or selling what I like.

94.   I hate to SHOP for clothes!!!!!

95.   I only use Nexxus Shampoo and Conditioner.

96.   I love listening to Books on tape while I drive in my car.

97.   I love alternative Rock music, I think you would call it.  Such as Sarah Mclachlan, Train, Natalie Merchant, Goo Goo Dolls, etc.

98.   I like to listen to classical music when I read.

99.   I read books while I take a bath and I have never dropped on in the water yet.

100.  I once got intoxicated in St. Cloud at the Hilton hotel.  A friend and myself rode in the elevator and put furniture in the elevator.  We had a chair each to sit on, a trashcan, etc.  So we sat in the chairs and rode the elevator. 

Way more than you wanted to know!!!!!!!!   Congrats if you actually made it to the end of this!!

9 thoughts on “

  1. Hi Girl!!!  You did do it!!!  WTG!!!

    31) I love Quick Cooking.  I have got to send in my payment so that I can continue to receive it.  Another favorite of mine that I bet you would like is Family Fun

    42) I enjoy Judging Amy too and LOVE ER!  I just started watching it this season though.  I try to catch old episodes during the weekdays.  I can’t think of the station, but it airs two episodes back to back Monday through Friday.

    59) You know we have this one in common.  🙂  I gotta get back to posting my agendas here at Xanga. 

    86) Yum!!  I bet they are good!


    100) Totally cracked me up!! 

    Hope you had as much fun as I did!


  2. Great list! I loved getting to know more about you. 

    I love quesadillas too!!  Can’t believe I forgot them in my 100 things.

    You are an inspiration to me with your many lists.  I love seeing all of your “to-do’s” crossed out.  How do you cross items out here?  I can’t figure that one out.

    You sound like a really fun mom.  I too keep forgetting you aren’t a SAHM. Your kids are blessed

    I love entryway signs too!  Just one of those things not everyone is into

    Cranium looks like fun, sounds like my kind of game

    Books books books! I want to join a book club.  What is the online book club you are in, if you don’t mind sharing? I’d love to find a good one…

    I’m a procrastinator too.  Am working on it 🙂

    84 fits me too.  Reminds me, I need to send a note to my MIL since she lifted my spirits on the phone yesterday

    Thanks for sharing, I enjoyed your list.

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