Big news to share……………………………………………………….



We haven’t really started potty training, but tonight he was having a BM.  He sufffers from terrible constipation so you always know when he is going.  But we have found that once he has gone once we always change his diaper and he will go again within 15 minutes.  So once he went the once I chaged him and put him on the potty chair and we read about 6 books. 

He went poopy, while on the potty which freaked him out… LOL!!  Then once I knew he went I wanted him to stand up but he wouldn’t.  but he didn’t want to get off the potty, he wanted to read his books more.  Finally we got him off and Daddy and I clapped and stuff.  Tommy looked in the potty and wanted to pick it up…EEEWWWWWWWW!  

So we are on our way….LOL

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