I woke up early this morning so I actually was able to have some computer time before needing to get ready for work.  I should also have enough time to actually get one load of laundry folded and put away before I need to go to work.  That is a good thing, I need to get back into that routine, otherwise I fall so far behind in the wash.

Today is a pretty normal day!  I only have one meeting at work, which is at my office so I should be able to do a lot of paperwork today.  I have to remember to take my 24-pak of pop with me to work.  I had to go without a pop all day yesterday

Tonight we have Families First again.  We haven’t had class in a couple of week due to a school holiday and Ash Wednesday Service.  After Families First we have a parent Meeting for Josh’s mission trip to Florida.   We have to make our finally payment and he is set to go.  He sold cinnamon rolls the other day, a fundraiser after services at church.  So since we will be at church from like 6:00 until around 9:00, I don’t think we will accomplish much tonight so I think I will go easy on my To Do List again!!   I didn’t even have one yesterday.  I just washed dishes and that was about it! 



  • Make Menu For Next Week
  • Balance/Update Checkbook
  • Mail greeting Card -Erik
  • Grocery/Errand List
  • Letter about Pics
  • One Load of Laundry
  • Spanish with Joshua
  • Make Dentist Appointments


  • Straighten Office Desk


  • Cash Mileage Check
  • Mail Half.com Book

    If I manage to find time to do any of this, it will be amazing!

    The men who have done big things are those who were not afraid to attempt big things, who were not afraid to risk failure in order to gain success.  – B.C. Forbes
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