I am now at work and enjoying my lunch, (leftovers for last night!)  I am totally into this month’s flylady and cutting debt.   I personally won’t be cutting debt, but just making it a bit longer till hubby finds a job.   So I have been looking at my expenses.  We have learned to live so well within out means, that I think we will be debt free shortly after hubby starts working.   He just has to find a job and that is so very difficult right now!

A while back I started buying a 24-pack of pop to keep at work.  As I was spending 65 cents every time I wanted a pop.  That really can add up!!  So how much would you save a month if you just brought a 24-pack of pop to work???  I was surprised at how much I am saving!! 

If I would buy 24 pops out of the machine at work it would cost me $15.60.   That is a lot of money on pop a month!!  I usually buy one 24-pak a month for work which I pay anywhere from 4.99 to 3.99 for.  So I have been saving, around 10.61 a month or 127.32 a year.  Cool!!!  I need to keep pointing out these things to myself so I keep making the effort to save money!!!  Now I know the best thing for saving money and my health would be to give up pop!!  ARGH!!   I never drink more than 2 cans a day and I do try to drink more water too.   It is my only vice…so leave me alone!!! LOL!!!  I need the caffeine to function!

Ok….what is your best money savings idea???  How frugal are you??   What is the most frugal thing you have done and don’t want to admit to??  

4 thoughts on “

  1. Frugality is still something we’re learning to master. I’m giggling a bit though… where do you work that no one steals from your 24-pack of pop? All of the places I worked at were victims to regular thievery of lunches and potluck items. Me jealous!

  2. Frugality is still something we’re learning to master. I’m giggling a bit though… where do you work that no one steals from your 24-pack of pop? All of the places I worked at were victims to regular thievery of lunches and potluck items. Me jealous!

  3. I’m taking a 12 pack of diet rite with me to work tomorrow 🙂 I get them when they are 5 for $10 and buy them all and get a raincheck for more LOL I also get the big blocks of cheese and have them slice it in the deli, same cheese as the deli sells, but I save $2-4 just by walking the block over to them rather then them pulling it from the case.

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