I didn’t get home from work tonight until about 9:30.  YAWN!!  I have to be up early at a meeting at Children’s Hospital by 8:00am.  ARGH!!!  That will be fun during peak traffic time.  I hate when people schedule meetings at that time.  ARGH!!!

So I think I will just respond to a couple of comments and head to bed.  I get to start my new book tonight as I finished mine during my supper break at work!  I did splurge this month and I bought a book.  I always rely on the library system, but I was so far down on the list for this book and my book group was reading it.  


Zvanoizu – I work in a gov. building.  I put my 24-pak of pop under my desk in my cube and no one ever takes any.  It is a security building so the only people that have access to the area where the cubes are employees.  Though one comedian likes to take your family picture off your desk and trade it with someone else’s occasionally.  So some day I sit at my desk and wonder “who’s kids are these??”

my3lilmen – I haven’t really figured out the couponing life style.  I do clip coupons and use them weekly.  But I do it a bit backwards.  I write my menu, trying to use up meat in my freezer, then I make my grocery list, then I look if I have coupon for any of the items I need.  So a lot of my coupons I don’t even use as I figure I saved money in not buying extras I wouldn’t normally buy.  Does that make sense??  Check out Celle’s Couponing page, quite impressive!!

PhotoQuilter – Yes…take your pop to work.  I think it is worth it!!    Hmmm…great tip on the cheese.  I will do that!  I usually buy large packs of cheese slices at sams’.  I also buy large bags on shredded cheese at Sam’s and transfer into smaller zip locks.  And cheese freezes well!  I also stopped buying a bottle of pop at the gas station when I fill up…I can wait until I get to the office and grab one from under my desk!

Thanks for the great money saving idea….anyone have anymore??  I find it very thrilling to save money,  it is like a game to me…I know I am weird on well….I could find a lot worse things to find fun!

I am off to bed to start my new book.  LATER!

0 thoughts on “

  1. You’re right, that couponing page is impressive!  I’d go nuts trying to do that.  Ah, who am I kidding, I go nuts anyways.

  2. Me again… 🙂

    I think that is so funny how someone in the office likes to play the picture game.  I mean at least someone is trying to keep the atmosphere energetic and fun right? 

    Thank you for complimenting my couponing page.  🙂  Very kind of you.  Yes, I understand what you are saying about how you coupon and I also do it the same way when my stockpile of coupons is low, like recently.  I did come across a great deal a few days ago.  Walmart had their Duncan Hines brownie mix on sale.  It was the Candy Shop kind with M&M’s.  I guess they were not selling well because of the M&M’s.  I know I don’t want them in or on my brownies anyway.  BUT the thing is you didn’t have to ADD the M&M’s as they are in a seperate package.  Walmart had them reduced to .50¢ a box.  I couldn’t beat that.  Even if it is just junk food… You know how boys can devour brownies and for .50 a box that is a steal!!

    As for another tip on saving money…  A friend in one of my couponing groups just shared with us about how you can use Dawn Dish Washing liquid instead of the Expensive Washing powders and your clothes come out just as clean and fresh.  She said she just uses one tsp of Dawn before adding the clothes.  1 tsp sounded kinda small to many of the members but then she made a valid point.  If you can use 3 drops for a full sink of dirty, greasy dishes…. 1 tsp is plenty for a load of clothes.  My g’ma has done this before when she ran out of washing powders, but I could not remember the specifics… BUT if it works as well as my friend said, imagine the money that could be saved using Dawn instead of the expensive Washing powder.  “Just a thought” that I figured you may be interested in too.

    Hope you are having a great day!!  Sorry for my long letter here.  LOL


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