Hello everyone – I feel like I finally had a good nights sleep.   I was alseep by like 1:00 am or so.  SO things are getting better.  I ws able to get a far amount of my list done yesterday at home and work, so I felt good about that.

I ended up staying home last night with Tommy while hubby and Josh went to Ask Wed service.  I was a bit coughy and didn’t want to disturb everyone.   The children’s minister called and asked me to MC the New Parent Dinner on Saturday, so I will be doing that.  I have to pick up door prize donations from Mullberry Cottage today.  I really was surprised how generous our local businesses were when I sought donations for the dinner.  

Today I am working form home.  I have a ton of paperwork and time enter to do for work.  If I do it from home I am undisturbed and can get so much more done.  At my office my phone rings constantly and people stop by my desk, etc.   So I hope to get time recording all done today.   I do have to leave and attend an IEP meeting i nthe middle of the day.  

This afternoon at I have another Dr appointment to discuss my chest pains.   I hope that doesn’t take all day this time. 

Mrs_Ann_A – the bookies group is nice.  I like to read along with them even if I don’t participate in the discussions.  I find books I would have never read before.   Check it out!  http://www.geocities.com/bookiestoo/

Crazymomma – I have White Orelander on my To Be Read pile, my ever growing pile!  

Peanutmom – Hmmm…how do I work and get my list done??  Well as you see I usually don’t get all my list done.  Some things stay on for a while.  I have to use a list or I just forget everything.  I do my xanga before work and print out my list for the day and then put it on the kitchen table.  I don’t accomlish anything without a list.  I am lucky in that my hubby usual has supper made when I arrive home from work, so one less thing for me.  I spend time with the kids after supper.  You know homework, baths and reading stories, etc.   Tommy goes to bed by usual 8:30 and Josh starts his shower then.  From 8:30 until about 10:00 or so is my time to do my list.  I go fast and I have my work sort of divided out, each day is a certain thing.  That is how I manage, it is all in the routines!!  I follow a lot of the routines, etc of flylady!   So if you are interested you can find all about Flylady at http://www.flylady.net/

I don’t read all the testimonies and stuff in Flylady emails much, but I do the missions and like the reminders.  Once I had my routines and daily plans developed that worked for me, it was simply make my list for the day.  I do best when I am organized and on top of things.  Hope this helps, sure helped me!  This month Flylady is focusing on getting for finances in order.  I am really finding that helpful, but am already doing most of the things.

If I remember I will try and share some of my household forms and weeekly routines, etc……I was working on getting them on my website.  Another tip that I find helpful is since i have my list and I know what i need to do, I will do a few things during my lunch break at work.  On Wednesdays during my lunch break I do home paperwork sort of stuff, clip coupons, make grocery list, etc.  On Thursdays I run any errands over lunch that I might have, like Target, Dollar Store, Bank, Post Office.  I save all errands for one day.  That really really helps!!  Nothing eats up more time then having to run to the grocery store every day, etc.   


  • Groceries/Errands List
  • Menu
  • E-Bay Pics
  • Type up Donation list for New Mom Committe
  • Committee Members List
  • Make Name Tags For New Parents Dinner
  • Make Drawing Slips for Door Prizes


  • Call Target about Donation
  • Check to Bank 
  • Mullberry Cottage
  • Dr. Appointment
  • Take Josh to buy stuff for Atom Project
  • Tommy to Musicgarten – 6:00


  • Plastics Cupboard

The bitterest tears shed over graves are for words left unsaid and deeds left undone. – Harriet Beecher Stowe

3 thoughts on “

  1. Thanks for the link, that does look interesting.  Right now though I am reading three books at once and not doing well with any of them lol!  I usually only read one book at a time, that seems to work better.

  2. Thank you for stopping by and commenting at my site today.  šŸ™‚  I am glad you enjoyed the pictures of the boys. 

    Very glad to hear that you got some sleep last night.  That alone, makes a person feel so different.  Good luck on getting everything on your to do list done today!

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