The weekend is here.  YEAH!!   I hope to have a fairly quiet weekend, but we will see how it goes.  I worked about 5-1/2 hours on Friday.  I was able to get through all my mail at work and get a good idea of the paperwork I *have to get completed on Monday.  It felt good to just get organized, I can’t function well when I am not.  I think next week will go well and I should get caught up nicely if I can work full-time.

I have been reading many blogs of woman that feel a lot like I do sometimes, pulled in every direction know to man.   It is so common, as woman we try to do everything.   It always leads to illness or burn out for me I think.   Well at least I am on the road to recovery and I am trying to be good to myself. 

I am very excited, I just reserved a room for the MN Association of Children’s Mental Health conference in Duluth, MN.   I am sharing a room with at least two other woman during the conference.  It is the one out of town conference I attend for work a year.  It is a great get away for me and so relaxing.   I reserved a 2 bedroom suite at Hawthorne Suites.   The room will sleep 8 people comfortably.  It has a whirlpool and fire place in the living room in addition to a full kitchen.  WOW!!  I can hardly wait!!   I will have my own room to have some quiet time alone or we can all hang out together.   The nice part is between the 3 of us, it is only $50.00 a night.   I can’t wait for April and some very much needed “ME TIME!!”.

On Friday I hurried home and finally cleaned our floors, with me being ill none of the weekly cleaning had gotten done in a couple of weeks.  That felt so GREAT!!  I can’t stand to have my floor dirty.   So I swept and mopped all the rooms before hubby got home with Erik and Tommy. 

I called my BIL to see if I could borrow his video camera as ours seemed to have broken.   I have a ton of stuff to sell on E-bay and I really wanted to get going with it.  Tommy is outgrowing everything by leaps and bounds.   After hours of him looking at our tapes and camera we found out that it wasn’t our camera that was broken.  Our tapes must have been stored too close to the computers and the magnetic force ruined the tapes.  So all of the footage of Tommy’s first steps and his birthday are ruined.  It is soooo sad.  We were able to save only a bit of the video none of the audio works.   We will be storing the video camera in our bedroom now.   But at least I don’t have to go out and buy a new camera like I thought I would have to.  That is a real blessing!!!

Well yesterday the job my hubby applied for at where I work closed at midnight.  So hopefully they will at least call him for an interview!!   I am praying hourly that this works out for him.   Of course he really needs a job, but he also needs to have an interview and at least feel like he has been considered for the job.   So please keep your thoughts and prays with us!  

Today, Saturday…………I have a number of things to do.   Erik came with a lot of homework so we will be working on that.   I might as well get to my to-do list and then get ready for my day!    Hope you all have a great Saturday.   Thanks for all your well wishes during my recovery.  I feel such friendship with you and enjoy being a part of your lives!


  • Vaccuum Under Living Room Furniture
  • Clean Car Boogie
  • E-bay pictures taken
  • Make Menus
  • Homework with Erik


  • Go to Library
  • Gift Certs for New Mom Dinner

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