AAAAH….ME TIME!!   Well it is 9:00, Tommy is in bed.  Erik is playing video games after a very long day of homework.  He did about 1 hour this afternoon and after supper he did about another 1-1/2 for homework.  He still has three more worksheets to complete tomorrow after church!  Hubby and Josh are watching monte Python on BBC.  Me….I am alone with my thoughts and able to xanga in peace………AAAAHHHHHH!  …what a welcomed time!   

BRB –  I need to prompt Erik to get ready for bed and get him his snack. 


Today was very busy, but I didn’t seem to get anything done on my list!  I guess I have tomorrow’s list all made then.   This morning I woke up beofre everyone and got ready for my day after my quiet hour alone in the computer room.   Hubby didn’t get out of bed until like after 10:00 and there were showers to be taken by all of them yet.  ARgh…so I decided I would head out and go to the bank.  I had been needing to open a savings account for Tommy since he was born.   I opened an account for Tommy and Erik and made some adjustments to Joshua’s savings account. 

Then I came home to get everyone else so we could go to the library, something we do every Saturday usually.   Erik needed to get books for his homework assignment, but luckily later we found the exact stuff he was using at school for the assignement.  Whew…that saved my weekend. 

I reserved the book on tape Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton for my IRL book discussion group.  I am determined to actually make it to the discussion group this month!!   I also checked out The Future Homemakers of America by Laurie Graham, for my online book group, the Bookmoms.  I started reading this and it seems intersting so far.  It says it is a “funny and wry portrait of six women friends from WWII to the 1990s, as well as of America’s changing social mores and attitudes”.  The women are all military wives.   It made me things of Nconmymind. 

We made it home in time for a late lunch.   Hubby and I made quesadillas for lunch, which is quick and the kids like.  Then is was time for Erik’s homework!   He worked and completed about 3 pages, then he was off to play.   Tommy took a short nap and I can’t remember where the rest of the afternoon went.  LOL!!   Just hanging out with Tommy and we watched Big Bird dance video. 

Then hubby and decded to take the big plunge.  We went to K-mart and bought Tommy a Elmo Potty Chair.  We aren’t really starting to potty train Tommy, but we wanted to have it sitting in the bathroom and have him sit on it.  That way by the time we want to start actually working on potty training he isn’t scared of the chair and is used to it.  Today we had it in the living room and he eventually would go up to it, sit on it and get off.  Of course we had to take pictures!!!   he would sit his stuffed Elmo on it too.

Oh and Tommy’s other accomplishment today.  Hubby was showing me something in the computer room so I came in there.   Tommy came walking in with the Big Bird video and clear and day handed it to me and said “bird”.   He hasn’t said it again since though.   I worked a bit on updating his baby calendar today so I will have to add that tidbit.  

Next weekend we are taking Tommy to “kids Hair” to get his first offical haircut!   I am afraid his curls will be gone forever then.  Daddy says he is starting to look like a girl, so we need to cut the curls.  

Let’s see what else….I guess we rounded out my day with making supper (pasta, sauce, corn and garlic bread) and then had Erik doing homework at the kitchen table as I washed dishes and made a pan of homemade Mac N Cheese with the leftover pasta from supper.  I froze those for quick lunches on another day for Tommy.     

That is my day….the rest of the night is mine to do as I please I figure.   I will probably head to bed and read after I finish up on the computer and read my SIR’s.  I need to update my books read in February on my webpage too. 


  • Vaccuum Under Living Room Furniture
  • Clean Car Boogie
  • E-bay pictures taken
  • Make Menus
  • Homework with Erik – finish it all!


  • Gift Certs for New Mom Dinner – (do on Monday when managers are less busy)

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