OK, Ok…Ok…..Don’t worry everyone I barely did anything on my list today!   I am still not myself at all.   I was exhausted by the time I got Tommy dropped off to work and got to my office.  ARGH!!  

I think Mrs_Ann_A identified me the best in her comments.  I truly am a person who has a hard time just sitting still.  So not being able to do the things I need drives me insane.  But I am taking it easy as the Intensive Care Unit junk was way too scary!  

So today I went to work, I was there for about 3 hours maybe.  I forgot to bring my nebulizer so I had to head home.  I was exhausting jsut getting there anyways.  I did stop in at the Dollar Tree (my new fav store) before going into my office.  I found some great things for the little education program we are starting with Tommy.  I will discuss when I have more of an idea what I am going to do, but I found these little photo albums for $1.00 that I can put in index cards and make our own books.  Tommy LOVES books, so we make to make some special ones for him of like the things he likes, ELMO, Pics of Family, Pics of animals, etc.  Not sure hubby is so happy with more books..LOL!!   Tommy will bring you a book to read to him about every 5 mintues.  He loves to be read to, so we spend most of our eveings on the floor with a pile of books.  Luckily we went to the library and found a few new ones today.  Mommy and Daddy are going tired of the same books.  He loves Maisy Lift the Flap books and anything Elmo. I also picked up all my Easter Supplies.  I did forget a couple of things, which I will pick up tomorrow. 

I left work around 1:00 and high tailed it home to Neb.  Then we ran to the bank and library, just in time to get to my Dr appointment at 3:00.  Argh…what a Dr appoint!!   The Dr was running late, she saw us at about 3:30.  She actually was quite surprised that I haven’t “turned around”.  SHe thought I would be much better by now.  So wait to have blood work to recheck my potassium and then X-ray to see if maybe i have pneumonia now.  Both were fine.  My Dr, who is wonderful and takes such time explaining things to me.  Decided that I should go on an antibiotic jsut in case as I should be getting better.  Also she restarted me on the Predisone pack, back to the original dose and try tapering about.  She gave me more cough syrup with codiene and refilled my nebs.  I still had enough of the other meds.  So she called in the scripts to the clinic pharmacy while I got lab and x-ray done. 

I go to pick up the scripts and one of the nebs, they don’e carry so they have to order it.  I can’t wait as I am totally out of this med.   So Dr says to ask the pharmacy to call the hopsital to see if they have more as that is where I got my first script at discharge.  Well the pharmacy tell me we don’t know the number….end of story.  Argh…I go back to the Dr and her nurse calls the hospital and gets my med refilled and says I can pick it up on the way home.  It is now 5:00 and we have to pick up Tommy at daycare and get to the hospital by 6:00 to pick up the meds before they close.  ARGH!!!

We get Tommy race to the hospital to find they have two different pharmacies there.  Of course i didn’t go to the correct one first!  ARGH!!   Needless to say, I got my meds, but what a run around.   We stop at the grocery store to get a deli chicken for supper and get home around 6:30.   What a long Dr ordeal day!!!!

So I am exhausted and am going in late to work tomorrow and will only work 5 hours or so.  After supper I spent the eveing reading books to Tommy (as always).  Right before bed he was digging in the library bag to get a book and found a Video I had checked out for him.  Elmo’s World!!  So he and I curled up in my bed and watch the first little episode before calling it a night.  

He is now fast asleep and I am heading right to bed now!!   Thanks everyone for stopping by and thinking of me during this difficult time in my life.   I hope to be healthy and myself soon!  

2 thoughts on “

  1. Wow, just reading about your day made ME tired!  I’m glad you’re still taking it easy.  I hope you don’t have any new illnesses creeping in (pneumonia, etc.).  Keep taking it easy, ok?

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