WE LEFT THE HOUSE!!  YEAH!!!   We ventured out to run a few errands.  We went out for about an hour.  First we went to return the movie we watched last night, “My Big Greek Wedding”.   It was ok….today we rented “One Hour Photo”.  It was pretty good.    I clipped and organized coupons while we watched the movie.   I am actually all caught up.  I need to look through the ads to see if there are any great deals this week.  Nothing really caught my eye.  One thing I don’t like much about coupons is that most of them are for processed stuff.   I try to cook ahead and freeze meals, so just shopping bulk at Sam’s is better for me.  I like freeze stuff.  We don’t eat canned meat nor vegetables.  I do buy canned carrots for Tommy as he likes those better.   Bread and stuff like that is always cheaper at the thrift stores.  So I clip coupons, but only use a few of them, I suppose every little bit helps.

Then we went for a Sam’s Club run, you know the usual:  milk, diapers, produce, juice, crackers, medicine.  I haven’t been to Sam’s in like over two weeks and I only spent a bit over 150.00, very good considering I had to buy Claritin D.  Ok….now listen to me bitch a bit…..ARGH!!!   Anyone that knows me knows I try very hard to be frugle and everything.  I am totally upset about Claritin D now being  a over the counter medication.   Have you seen the price of that stuff!!  OH MY!!!  I have been taking it for I bet about 8 years, always covered by my insurance.  Now I have to buy it over the counter.   I bought a 30 tab box at Sam’s Club and it’s cost was 26.78.  OH MY!!   On my insurance that would have been a 9.00 copay for the script.  Argh…I can’t afford that with my allergies, IC and Asthma.  Plus now I am on all these additional meds for my asthma.   I have a Dr. appointment tomorrow so I will ask her if there is another med I could take that would be covered by my insurance.  I can’t afford 27.00 a month, plus all my regular co-pays.   My premium and co-pays all went up this year.  Ok…so after I was done at Sam’s we went to the pharmacy to pick two of my scripts up.  I looked how much the Claritin D was there and they wanted 9.98 for 5 pills!!   OH MY!!!  That is outrageous. 

I also stopped at Master Cuts in the mall to get shampoo.  I am a shampoo snob, that is for sure.  I can’t stand cheap shampoo my hair gets so dry and icky.   So I do splurge and get more expensive shampoo.   I am going to search around on the net today and see if I can find a cheaper place to order it online from.  There are only a few things I am a snob about, shampoo and foundation (make-up).  the extra on those two items are worth it to me!  

I love money saving tips…I enjoy going to garage sales with my hubby.   But I can be a snob about some things!

0 thoughts on “

  1. LOL  I am also a shampoo snob.  I have to get the salon shampoos and conditioners, or buy them at Whole Foods.  I have dry hair so I need something that is very nourishing. 

    I am so glad that you are back and doing better.  I realized that you hadn’t posted recently, so I stopped at your blog.  When I saw the entry about your asthma, I began to get concerned.  I am very relieved that all is well.

    What a bummer about your medication now being OTC!  Ack. 

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