
I seem to be getting better.  I didn’t even need to wake up in the middle of the night to neb last night.   I still plan on taking it easy for the rest of the weekend.   I think the meds are making it difficult for me to sleep.  I was up reading last night until 1:00am and awake again for the day by 9:00.  I am reading the book, Lovely Bone by Alice Sebold.   I am really enjoying it, it is written in a very interesting manner.  I have been able to finish a couple of books since I have been ill.   I finished, Street Lawyer and The Plain Truth. 

The Flylady would be proud of me, I have been getting up and showering everyday.  I even get out of my PJ’s daily.   I have not been able to pick up or do any chores, but hubby has been keeping the house somewhat presentable.  Man, do I love that guy!!!

I am not sure what today has in store for me.  Maybe put the laundry away,  Make menus,  Put photos in album, plan next week, read my book.  Mostly things I can do just sitting around. 

Maybe I can get over and visit all of you as well in xangaland.  Chat at ya Later!!  

0 thoughts on “

  1. I am so sorry to hear of your health problems, but I am glad that things seem to be getting a little better.  It must be so scary to not be able to breathe!  How wonderful that you have such a supportive husband.  Rest & get well soon. 

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