Hello –

First I want to say thanks for Frejaluna for you kindness and concern.  It made me smile.  It is nice to know people notice when you are not around. 

So where have I been, ……OH MY…..what a tale that is.  So I guess I will just start at where last blog left off………Saturday Morning……..I had a small asthma attack and started to feel better so I went to Walmart to run my errands.  Hubby was still sick and Tommy had been coughing too through out the night.  I got home from Walmart and had an episode of difficulty breathing so I got our my Albuteral and nebulizer.  I did one treatment and still could not breathe.  I then decided I needed to call to see about seeing a Dr on Monday.  

I called our appointment line and got an appointment for Monday with my Dr.  The lady asked if I was having shortness of breathe??   YES…..was I having difficuty breathing….YES……She said that I had to talk to a nurse.  I spoke with the nurse and she said I had to go to Urgent care so she connected me back up with appointments and the last appointment available in the city was at 4:30…ARGH!!   Oh well, better than Monday I think.

The nurse calls back and states she is concerned and that since I am unable to talk in a complete sentence and have such trouble breathing I need to go to the ER.  OK…Ok….I will talk to my hubby.   I didn’t ahve to talk to him long as it continued to get more difficult for me to breathe so we sped off to the Emergency Room. 

At the ER I was raced to the back immediately as my pulse was racing and I was unable to breathe.   They immediately started me on another neb of albuterol.  My heart was racing, it was up to 170 when I was coughing.  I was put on monitors and had watched.  I continued to have a lot of difficulty in breathing.  I had a total of 4 nebulizer treatments of Albuterol.  My heart would not stablize.  WHen i coughed and had difficulty breathing, it was around 170 inbetween it would only get as low as about 140.  The Dr was concerned and wanted me to stay over night for monitoring since he was concerned about my heart.  I had an EKG and X-Rays in the Er as well.  Finally he came in again and said he was worred about having me leave and asked if I had any other medical problems, I mentioned I was diabetic when I was pregnant.  So he decided to run some blood tests,  and I would be staying hte night for observation.

Well the blood tests came back and I was more than staying the night I was going to intensive Care Unit.  I was put on more heart monitors and whisked to ICU.  It was a very weird experience to say the least.  The blood test came back that I had dangerously low levels of potasium in my blood and needed to go to ICU.  I was later told that low levels can make your heart stop pumping, I guess that was all the concern.    I still was unable to breathe well and my heart rate was not stablizing well.  My regular Dr was on call and she has a pulmunologist see me who said that he thought the Albuterol was causing my heart problems.  So I was switched to another nebulizer.   I was in ICU for two days then moved to a regular room.  We are still working to get my breathing under control, but it is better.   

I am on many medications, steroids and different nebulizers.  I was relaesed from the hospital late Tuesday night.  I am still feeling very poorly.  I neb every 4 hours or so throughout the night and am very tired.  I am in bed most of the time, but slowly hopefully I am imporving.   I am home from work until at least Monday the Dr said.  We will see….I need to be able to walk to and from the bathroom without a nap before I go to work. 

On top of this, the Saturday Hubby took me to the ER he had a fever of 102 and was very sick.  So he wasn’t able to see me in ICU.   Tommy is also sick.  Hubby took him to the Dr on monday with a fever of 103.  It seems to be viral and he is having a terrible time.  I feel so helpless to hellp him as I can’t even lift him, without getting out of breath. 

Actually he is crying now I have to tend to him.

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