I had a very productive evening at home and completed all my list and a few things.  That makes me feel good, since my day had been going wrong all day.  Also I am planning on going out to supper with my friend, Deb tomorrow night to celebrate my Birthday with her. 

Today didn’t go the best.  I seemed to be off to a good start this morning,  I was up extra early and everything.  But I just didn’t do well with my routine and that throws everything off for the entire day I guess.  I head off to daycare and as I drive there I look in the rearview mirror and realize I had forgotten to put my makeup on.  ARGH!!  So I drop Tom off at daycare and come home to put some makeup on.  With all the snow the driving is very slow, so this all tales a while.  I get to work and I do have my ID badge, but I forgot my purse.  My friend, Deb loans me a 20 for gas and junk as I have two meetings out of town. 

I head to my first meeting, it is in Bloomington.  I reach in my bag to grab the directions and they aren’t there…ARGH!! I forgot them on my desk in the office.   Luckily I have been here a couple of times and I recall how to get there.  I have never been to the place for the second meeting, so that should be interesting.   My first meeting goes much faster than I thought and I have time in between meetings, but not enough to go to the office and actually do anything.  I go and grab some drive thru and head to the local library. 

At the library I ask the library about using the Internet so I can look up the directions to my next meeting.  She wants my library card.  ARGH….it is in my purse.   Luckily I am a huge geek and have my bar code memorized so I was able to log onto the Internet and get the info I needed.  Ok….I still had a few minutes to kill.  So I look up to see if they have a copy of the book I am currently reading, nope one copy and it is checked out.  I know I have “street Lawyer” on my TBR pile so I grab a copy of that and read for a bit.  I really needed this break I was frazzled, nothing was going as planned.  ARGH!!    That gets me so flustered as I am a huge planner/list maker as you know.  I read and then head to my next meeting with driving directions in hand.  I get to the family’s home and they forgot I was coming and weren’t home!! ARgh….what a perfect ending to my day!!  TIME TO GO HOME!!!

So home I went!  I got home and I did my weekly cleaning, which took a little under an hour.   Called H&R Block and the message said my refund was on the way to the bank.  YEAH!!!  I gave Tommy a bath, practiced Spanish Vocab with Josh and washed the dishes.  It was a productive and enjoyable evening at home, too bad work was so goofed up. 

I am off to exercise and head to bed.  Have a great week, the worst is over, MONDAY!!


  • MY FREE DAY – going out with Deb for Supper
  • 15- minutes zone- Plastics Cupboard
  • Wash Dishes
  • One Load Laundry 
  • Evening Routine
  • Spanish Vocab with Josh

Be nice to people on your way up because you’ll meet them on your way down. – Wilson Mizner

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