Argh…Stomach flu has hit our house.  I am suppose to go to a mandatory training today and have a late homevisit.  I think I will have to cancel the home visit and we will see about the training.   I need to try to go, but I feel just terrible.  I did nothing but lay around last night and went to bed early after my nap. 

Tommy has his 15 month Dr appointment this morning, so I am going to take him to that and see how I feel.   I hate missing things I need to be at.  ARGH!!!  I am having a bit of toast for breakfast so hopefully that will clam my stomach. 

I have a few things left from my list, but they will have to wait for another day when I am feeling better.  Josh wasn’t feeling very well when he got up either, I am sure he will be calling for me to pick him up from school today. 

I best get going so I can get Tommy to his 8:30 appointment.  Who in there right mind makes an appointment so early!!!

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