Hello – Well the weekend is coming to an end.  They never are long enough.  I really need to find some time to visit you all and comment.  I will as soon as I am not working so many hours.

Today we didn’t do to much.  Went to church, after church I did a few of my items on my list while Tommy napped.  He took a very short nap today, so he is in bed for the night already.

My SIL and family came over to bring my B-day present and stayed for supper.  Also my nephew, Nick wanted his haircut, so we took care of that as well.  I had tried to trim Tommy’s hair last night when he was taking a bath, that was a battle.  ARGH!!!  I am leaving his long curls in the back for now, too hard to cut his hair. 

While I was making supper for both our families tonight, Chelsea my niece came and said she didn’t feel well.  A few minutes later she puked all over the bathroom.  ARGH!!!  Then while we were cleaning that up the younger niece, Kristen, decided to open her sippy cup and spill it all over the floor in the living room.  LOL!!   Never dull moment.  Tommy was very content all night.  He loves to follow and bug his cousin, Kristen. 

Everyone has headed home now and Law and Order is a re-run so I am going to take a nice long bath and read for a bit.  Then I need to fold my last load of laundry and wash dishes. 

Hope everyone had a great weekend. 

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