Morning………..Man is it COLD in MN!!!  Current Temp is -15 degrees.  ARGH!!  Hubby took our oldest to school as it was too cold for him and his friends to stand at the bus stop.  Today is the last day of the quarter and Josh has finals.  Tomorrow he has no school as it is the last day of the quarter. 

We had a nice evening at church class last night.  It was a farewell party for one member of our group (our previous pastors wife) and her daughters.  We also celebrated the twins birthday, they turned three years old!  It was very cute!!!

After church I gave Tommy a bath.  I think some one has bee singing the ABC’s to him.  In the tub he was singing and it sounds like he has the tune of the ABC’s…LOL!!  He would sing the same thing over and over…very funny!  I have Tommy going to bed a bit earlier now.  He is usually down by 8:30.  That seems to be working better, but I have to wake him in the morning for daycare still.  Speaking of which, it is my turn to take him to daycare this morning….so I best get going.   After his bath I did finish the chores on my list and headed to bed.  I read for a bit, but must have fallen asleep with my book, as I woke up hold my book still..LOL!!!


One Load of Laundry
Wipe out Fridge
Fill Soap Dispenser in Bathroom

(add more later when I have a chance to think!!)

4 thoughts on “

  1. Wow  -15 huh?  Brrr… for sure.

    We are currently at 23 but are suppose to drop into the single digits tonight and have with the wind chill it is suppose to feel like -10.  That is cold for NC.

    Sounds like things are going well for you and your family.  Tommy sounds so adorable singing.  🙂  Sounds like he is one smart lil guy!


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