Tomorrow is my birthday.  I will be 32…..I am ok with it, I guess.   Just not with the gray hair! 

I slept terrible last night.  My hubby decided last night when getting Tommy ready for bed that he shouldn’t have a bottle anymore!  The only bottle Tommy drinks is at bedtime.  I am fine with it, I don’t want to force him to give it up.  He has given them up for naps.  Tommy doesn’t exactly drink wonderfully out of a cup.  I tell my hubby just give him a bottle or *I will have to be getting up in the middle of the night with Tommy.   He goes on to tell me how the Dr said Tommy should have been off the bottle months ago, etc.  BLAH, BLAH, BLAH….He is only 15 months old.  I really think a bottle at bedtime is fine!  So we all head to bed.  I had to stay up late as I am meeting a new client tomorrow and I needed to read the file and work on a service plan, etc.  So I went to bed a bit later than usual.  I fall asleep and what should happen around 1:30am.  Tommy is crying….ARGH!! I told hubby this would happen and of course he isn’t making one movement to go get Tommy.  I get up and give Tommy a BOTTLE and he snuggles with me a bit and then I put him back to bed.  He is still sleeping peacefully still.  I have a Tommy’s 15 months Dr appointment on the 28th, I will discuss this with my Dr.  I at least have eliminated the bottle during the day.   

So I am wondering at what age did you stop allowing your baby to have a bedtime bottle.  I can’t remember at what time I stopped with Joshua. 

Well I suppose it is time for me to hit the shower and get out day going here.  I am dragging a bit.  (must be my elderly age *smirk).  Tommy and I are going to his last ECFE class.  They over booked next semesters class and we didn’t get in.  We will have to enroll for next year and hope to get in.    It is a great program!  We are on a waiting list to get in our class so maybe someone will drop out!  Tommy will miss going to school, he really enjoys it!

I think my parents are going to come this weekend for my birthday.  Hubby is taking me out for supper on Saturday evening.  Otherwise I just want to relax and maybe shop for a new winter jacket, the zipper on mine keeps opening from the bottom.  It is about 5 years old, so it is about time.  I am just so cheap, what can I say.  I feel terribly guilty spending any money on myself, but my kids are another story! 

6 thoughts on “

  1. For both my other two I stopped nursing around 14 months, with Ciara who knows how that will go…..she is a year now.   I think it’s not so much that they need it, but that they are used to it and definetly bedtime snacks are neccesary to fill those belly’s up!!

  2. Good luck with the night time bottle… I honestly can’t tell you right off how long it was with either of my boys.  I think I would have to check out some baby books, and I am not even sure I made note of it there.  Its tough to remember it all with 3 boys huh?


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