WHOA!!  Don’t ask me how Wednesday got away from me, but it did.   I needed to get to work early so didn’t blog in the morning and then after I got home we immediately left for church.  After Church we ran a couple of errands (rented the DVD’s of Sex In the City for the party).  On lunch at work I ran to the Dollar Tree and picked up the greeting cards for February and March.  I decided I think I will do better if I only have to buy cards quarterly.  I have most addressed and ready to go.  And what a deal they were at the Dollar Store!  I only paid 25 cents a card.  Anyone that knows me, knows I am tight with my money!  I love being thrifty and it is a thrill to get a good deal!  I also picked up some cleaning supplies while there. 

Church was great. It was nice to be back with our group.  Tommy was tired by the nights end though.   Interesting was one of our friends is moving to Kentucky.  They had found a house and decided to have a sex offenders check done on the neighborhood.  I didn’t know you could do that, and they had a sex offender living right across the street.  Needless to say they didn’t buy that house.  ARGH!!  I certainly will remember you can do that, if I ever buy another house, though I doubt we will move from this house!  it is official, Josh is going to Florida on the Mission Trip.  I paid his trip deposit last night and reserved his spot on the coach.  I am excited for him and aprehensive.  I know…let the child grow up!!   He will always be my baby though, even if he is a head taller than me now!

I didn’t get much from my list done yesterday so it will go on today’s.  I just was so tired after church that I just gave Tommy a bath and called it a night! 

Argh..once again I have run out of time.  I was going to blog about my Yearly Goals a bit, but time to get the baby up and head to work.  Later!!!


Look for Cake Recipe
Plastic Cupboard
Letter to Tim
Dining Room Table
Grocery List
1 load laundry

Go To Bank
Buy Wine for Party
Gift for Daycare Birthday

7 thoughts on “

  1. Wow, I didn’t know you could do that either.  I’d love to run a check on the area that we are moving to.  It’s a half block from a school, so perhaps there wouldn’t be one living there anyhow.  Dunno.  I wonder how I do that.  Thanks for the tip.

  2. I love finding a bargain, too!!  My brother said that I’m so tight that if he drives by my house with the windows down, he can hear Lincoln screaming. 

  3. I love the Dollar store– and Walmart.  Being thrifty is a necessity these days and, besides, it frees up more money for the more important things in life.  Good tip about running a check for sex offenders– will keep that in mind when we buy our first house.

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