I did take a bit of a nap and also read a bit before falling asleep.  When I woke up I make the ribs in the pressure cooker.  WAY COOL!!   They were the most tender ribs I have ever made and they only took 15 minutes to cook.   They were actually tender enough for Tommy to eat,  I hope to find some more recipes for the pressure cooker.  I want to use it regularly. 

After supper we watch Roger Rabbit and relaxed a bit.  Then Erik made Icee’s with his Icee machine he got for Christmas.  Surpisingly, it actually made half way decent Icees.  We made Coke ones tonight, tomorrow Erik wants to make some out of Code Red.    He also wants to try his Hershey’s Chocolate Magic Molding Kit, that he bought today at Target.  Other than that it is a rather quiet weekend, just how I like them. 

I am heading to bed again and reading for a while.  I am almost done with this book too and the ending is fairly exciting.  I am sure I won’t go to sleep until I finish it! 

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