I wanted to share just a couple of organizing hints that I have used the last year for the paper jungle our house seems to be.  I have gotten that jungle under control.   So here are my two hints:

1.  I keep an Expand a File which is labeled by months in a drawer in my office.  After I pay the bills, I put the remaining parts of the bill in that month.  At the end of the year, I remove everything and burn everything, but my pay stubs, child support stubs and retirement and taxes info.  At the end of the year I do put the December stuff into January in case I have to look at it.  But the filing of this system is easy, just stick it in the right month!  DONE!

2.  I keep a three- ring binder for each of my children.  I keep the current information for each child in their binder.  School information, Church info, medical information, child support, etc.   If you want to know anything about one of my children I can find their info within 1 minute. 

Those are my tried and true tips to help you tame the paper jungle in your house this upcoming year.  If you have additional hints, love to hear them!!  It is the time of year when we all *swear we will be more organized this coming year!! 

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