Today is a three bottle Mt. Dew day.  ARGH….very little sleep last night.  Tommy woke up at 1:00am and was coughing a lot and having trouble breathing.  I had just gone to sleep at about 11:00 or a bit later, so it was very hard to get up with him.  I brought him into bed with me and he just coughed, and coughed.  He had a bottle and cough syrup and snoozed a bit beside me.  I didn’t sleep much as he likes to touch my face while I sleep.  Once he started to crawl over the bed, I put him back in his crib.  He went to sleep and woke again around 6:00 coughing and coughing. 

I got up and made a Dr appointment.  We saw our Peds again this morning.  He said maybe the hives was related to whatever Tommy has now.  He listened to his chest and ordered x-rays of his lungs as he thought he might have walking pneumonia.  Argh…now that was a treat! NOT!!   Try to get a 1 year old sit still for an x-ray!  We only had to redo one of the x-rays, but it was difficult to say the least and Tommy was mad!

The Dr said that the x-rays looked fine.  He does have fluid behind one of his ear drums, but it isn’t infected, YET.  ARGH!!   So we are pushing liquids and switching to giving him Bendryl at bedtime to help with sleeping.   I will still give him Triaminic during the day.  Argh…

Josh is still home today with the flu.  The Dr said a lot of that is going around.  I hope he will be able to go to school tomorrow.

Needless to say I am really, really tired.  I need to stay at work, since I only have 3.5 workings day left until I go on vacation.  I am also the on-call social worker this week.   But man, do I ever need a nap!  I should get home at a decent time today. 

Hope everyone is having a great week.



0 thoughts on “

  1. Your life is sounding a lot like mine lately.  I have sick lil ones too.  Its very draining and I haven’t gotten anything done today that needed to be done.  I haven’t even blogged for heavens sake!  LOL

    I hope everyone is feeling better soon!


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