It certainly is a Monday today!  We were not off to a very good start this morning.  Joshua was home sick.  It was my turn to take Tommy to daycare and I hadn’t prepared stuff the night before so I was running around.  ARGH!!  Yes, the Flylady would scold me for not doing my bedtime routine.  I promise I will do it tonight.  ARGH!!  I got my baby to daycare and I forgot a bottle, but auntie Bonnie had one there for him.  Tommy was very excited to play with the kids. 

I mailed about 1/2 of my Christmas cards this morning.  I need to just finish them up tonight.  I just checked on Josh and he is feeling ok, his tummy is still a bit upset.  He made himself a ham wrap for lunch. 

Only 4 more days of work and I am on VACATION!!!  I am so excited!  I can’t wait to spend the time home with the kids.  I plan on taking Tommy to see Santa on either Monday or Tuesday.  I have a long list of things I want to do while at home.  But mostly,  I just want to be with my kids.  I wish circumstances were such that I didn’t have to work. 


  • Change Sheets
  • Take out all Trash
  • Dust
  • Sweep – Kitchen, bathrooms, and entryway
  • Vacuum – living Room
  • Mop
  • Windows and Doors
  • Clean off Dining Room Table


  • Find Yo-Gi-Oh cards
  • Small Gift for Justin
  • Stocking things for Paul 


  • Wash Rug
  • Scrub Floor
  • Clean Shower
  • Clean Mini – Blinds

  • Fudgy Mint Squares
  • Jello Spritz
  • Creamy Peppermint Patties
  • Fruity Pastel Cookies
  • Surprise Package Cookies
  • 0 thoughts on “

    1. Ah, Flylady …. I visited her website a while ago. I just wish I could be more organised too At least I got all my cards and newsletters done today – they will be posted tomorrow. 

      My daughter has Secret Santa in her class tomorrow as well and I have to find a little present for one of her girlfriends before I go to bed……..

    2. That is a pretty big list you got there.  Hope you get it all accomplished. Hope that Joshua is feeling better too.

      I gave in and bought Harry some Yugioh cards, he is going to freak out cause I have refused him them up until now.

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