Glad to have xanga back!   I finally did some of my list..that thing was dragging on and on.  I ended up going to get my hair cut after work tonight, so I didn’t do my Monday cleaning.  ARGH…just didn’t feel like it!  Plus hubby and i needed to run to Sam’s club.  Tommy has been extra crabby tonight.  He is only taking one nap while at daycare so he is needing to go to bed much earlier.  I don’t like that much, since hat really limits my time with him.  But I guess I will just spend time with him when I get home right away and then do my chores once he is in bed.  He is wanting to go to bed around 8:00 now. 

Tommy is starting to sign again, the instructor told us to continue to add new signs even though Tommy wasn’t producing them.  He is now producing the new ones “more”, “eat” and “sleep”.  I guess he didn’t want to do that others.  LOL!!  Ok…chat at ya later!

I hope to be snuggled up in my bed by 9:00 to read some more of my book. 

0 thoughts on “

  1. Man, I sure wish mine would go to bed that early.  I guess I should run their butts off more during the day!    I feel for you not getting enough time with him though.

    That’s cool about the signing.  I tried to get mine to do a little of that before they could talk, just so they wouldn’t be so stressed out trying to communicate.  Now they are older they just go and grab what they need. 

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