The day is done, sure went fast.  I only got in a very short afternoon nap.  I live for Sunday naps.  Today we pretty much stayed around home all day after church. 

During Tommy’s first nap of the day I wrapped and wrapped Christmas Presents.  I didn’t get them all wrapped, but a big chunk of them.  I have very little shopping left to do.  I do have to make our goodies plates we give to our neighbors and friends.  I haven’t started my baking yet, but will be starting next weekend.  I need to sit down and figure out what we are all going to make.  I have the plates all bought all ready.  Actually I bought them last year, but we didn’t do plates since I had just had Tommy. 

During Tommy’s second nap, I took a nap and read.  But I managed to get a few items from my list done.   I will work some more on to tomorrow. 


  • Make Baking list
  • Buy and Put up Plastic on Windows
  • Get Groceries for Thanksgiving
  • Dust Tommy’s Room
  • Set up Humidifier in Tommy’s Room
  • Pay Bills

0 thoughts on “

  1. I wish that I was ready to start wrapping, but not quite.  You inspire me to get shopping, and have reminded me to get the baking list made.  Have a great week, and good luck with your list.

  2. Sounds like you were pretty busy yesterday too.  Almost done with your Christmas eh?  I still have to get a layaway out and buy more myself.  Exactly one month till Christmas now.


  3. My sister and I went on a 12 hr shopping spree Saturday. I am just about finished so I mainly went for support. 🙂

    I keep putting off my wrapping. I got organized last night so tonight might be the night.

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