Morning!  I slept well last night so I hope to accomplish a lot again today.  I feel like I am almost catching up on everything.  I had just been busy and not doing stuff.  I need to get my painting done since it is suppose to be nicer the next few days so I can open the windows.  Before you know it will be winter and time to plastic all our windows up.

I am going to try to wash dished before I take my shower and get ready for Church.  I am giving up on keeping Tommy in the sanctuary with us for church and he will be in the nursery. 

The other day my neighbor brought over two flats of apples.  They are the sweetest apples I have ever tasted.  I am going to make some apple sauce with them.  We are truly blessed by neighbor who is a food manager for a large food company and he gets all these samples from company’s to try their product.  He brings us a lot of meat and things.  We have certainly been taken care of in the lean time while my hubby looks for a job.  These blessing unexpectantly come our way and help immensely.  A co-worker gave me a pair of snow pants for Tommy.  We are so thankful for every ones kindness.


Make large pot of Ham and Bean Soup
Cut up and freeze remaining ham
Wash Dishes

Make Apple Sauce and Avocados
Clean out Fridge
Laundry, Laundry, Laundry
Prime the Entryway   
Change Blogs decor and calendar
Make Menus 
Take Soup, Apple Sauce and Xmas Gift to Grandma & Pa’s

I actually should be able to get this all done since the Vikings are playing today.  Hubby will be able to watch the game and hang out with Tommy while I paint.  IF I get everything done I would like to spend some quiet time cross stitching.  Later!  Have a great Sunday!

The end may justify the means as long as there is something that justifies the end.  – Leon Trotsky

0 thoughts on “

  1. Hey, Ostara, can’t believe Tommy took TWO naps!  And if it makes you feel better, we’ve given up on keeping EJ in church–he’s been in the church nurserhy for about two months!  Incredible how he seems to bring some sniffle or infection home each time!

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