Hello – been a busy morning and I over slept this morning so I couldn’t blog before work.  Anyway….I haven’t been getting much sleep lately.   Tommy has woke up scream the last 4 nights in a row in the middle of the night.  ARGH!!   I bring him to my bed and he lays for a bit with me, then he gets antsy and I put him back in bed.  Last night he got up twice.  ARGH!!!

So I broke down this morning and made a Dr appointment.  I have one for next Tuesday, for his one year appointment, but I figured with the weird waking up I should have his ears rechecked earlier.   He had been seen at urgent care for a double ear infection on October 6th and was to have a recheck when his meds were gone.   So he saw the Dr who said his ears are fine, but Tommy has 5, yes, 5 teeth coming in.  He is getting his molars all at once.  ARGH!!!   So the Dr said to give him Motrin before bed, if that don’t’ work then add Benedryl as well.  And if that doesn’t work he said to get some natural stuff from the health food store that has camomile in it.  Tonight we are trying just the Motrin.   Hopefully he sleeps ok, if not tomorrow I will try the benedryl as well. 

I am still feeling a bit under the weather.  It might be due to my lack of sleep lately, who knows.   I hope I feel better soon since this Saturday we is Tommy’s 1st Birthday!!  I can’t believe my little guy is going to be one!  I am sad and happy all at once about it.  It should be a nice party.  A few neighbors are coming, my hubby’s whole family and my parents and maybe my brother and wife from out of state.  I hope they can make it. 

I didn’t do whole lot tonight.   I was home from work early due to Tommy’s Dr appointment, so I took a nap    Hubby was nice and gave baby a bath while I was napping.  So when I got up hubby had supper ready and then we watch Judging Amy.   Now I am starting to feel like I am ready to go to sleep again.   I suppose I should scoot and get some rest, maybe I can even squeeze in a chapter of my book, if I stay awake. 

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