Tommy is down for his second nap of the day. I love that he still takes two naps. Gives mea few spare moments to do anything else. Tommy is going through this thing, where if I am in the house I better be within his eyesight for he will scream at the top of his lungs. COuld care less if Daddy is right beside him or holding him. I can’t even go to the bathroom without him outside the door screaming. So nap time is when I hurry to get everything done so I cam be with him when he is awake.
When I was at Menards I bought primer for the bathroom and entryway. I grabbed a number of paint samples and I think I have decide on a color for the paneling in the front entryway. Of course it could be vetoed by my hubby, but I found a nice green. I also want to get the downstairs bathroom painted before it snows. Maybe if I have my list done I could paint some tomorrow??? We will see…Hubby is home…with the photos from one hour developing……….Later!! I will share pictures with you Later!