Just stopped into say good night.  I went to the library tonight and got a new book to read “Ralph’s Party”. I think it is by Lisa Jewell or something like that.  I also got two more books on tape…WOO HOO!

Ok….I have dilemma to bounce off of you all.  Today my son Josh (age 14) called my hubby and listed off all these friends that were going to a movie and two parents that were taking them.  He wanted to go with them.  Hubby asked him what the Movie was and it was Red Dragon.  ARGH!!  Am I the only parent on the face of the earth that doesn’t believe young kids should watch R-rated movies.  They are rated R for a reason.  Hubby felt on the spot and let him go.  I BTW, would not have let him go.   I don’t allow my children to watch any R-rated movies in my home or would I take them to one.  I also just let them start watching PG -13.   I hate being the strict, un cool Mom.  So what do you all think??   Do you take your young teen to R rated movies???   Maybe I am just too un-cool, but I don’t know.  I am not a entire prude I do watch R-rated movies myself and saw Hannibal in the theatre, but I didn’t take my son nor do I watch R-rated movies when he is still up.   I also still have a bedtime for him when he needs to be in his room ,etc….  I don’t think he needs to grow up so fast….your grown up all enough in this world in my opinion.

0 thoughts on “

  1. My kids are younger (my oldest will be 8 in Feb), but I don’t allow them to watch PG movies.  Star Wars is the only exception, since dh is such a nut…I mean, fan of the series. 

    But I think a lot of it has to do with your child personally, how equipped he is to deal with what he’s watching/seeing.

    Being a parent is never easy, is it….?  *sigh*

  2. I can’t speak generally about “R” movies, but for the most part I would not let a teen see them … depending upon the content.  Speaking specifically about this movie though, I would NOT have let a 14 yo see it either.  I’m with you on this.  I am greatly disturbed by graphic violence, murder, and whatever else this particular movie may contain.  Heck, it’s too scary and dark for me!  I admire your stance and sticking to it means that your son will be more likely to raise his own children in a similar way.  Just my opinion.  Have a good day!

  3. This is an issue my Husband and I disagree on on a CONSTANT basis…. sigh I agree with you… they should NOT be seeing R rated movies as a young teen. As younger children they shouldnt be watching PG either…. but I don’t always win this battle…

  4. I am with you 100% on the movie thing.  I didn’t see R movies as a teen, nor should today’s kids (especially since today’s R seems to be racier than the R of yesteryear).  And I HATE it when other kids’ parents pressure one parent into loosening their standards. 

    Moreover, I read that book (Red Dragon) about 10 years ago and I STILL have very disturbing images lingering in my head from it.  Definitely one of the most disturbing books I have ever encountered.

  5. I agree with you as well.  Too often, parents cave to the pressure of letting their child go along so they fit in.  The choices we make when they are little will carry over to young adulthood.  Stick to your guns on this one in the future.  Down the road, you’ll be glad you set the ground rules firm.

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