Off to bed again, I think I am starting to come down with Paul’s flu he had last week.  ARGH!! Please no………maybe a little sleep will keep this bug at bay.  I hope!  I was planning on going out with some friends tomorrow night for supper to celebrate a friends birthday.

I got all my errands done today expect for the Jewelry Store and Target.   I did go to Sam’s and two grocery stores to stock on the great meat sales they had.  I should be good in that department for 2 months.  

Oh yeah…and I picked up my car.    I needed a new front axle, had a cracked manafold and needed a new exhaust system.   ARGH!!  Three major repairs all at once.  OUCH!!!!   The cost…..just under $1,000.  That certainly has me a bit worried.  Oh well….have to have a car for work.  ARGH!!

Josh worked on his graduation standards project today and got about 1/2 done tonight so he got to go over to a friends house until 11:00.  But I wouldn’t let him stay over night since they never go to sleep and he would be up all night and unable to do good work tomorrow finishing up his project.   He babysat Tommy for me today while we got groceries and went to Sam’s Club. 

I am off to bed to read and relax.  Have a great night!!  It is almost FRIDAY!!  YEAH!!! 

Oh yeah..Tommy has almost given up crawling, he is walking everywhere!!!  He looks so funny.  Fair warning I have a roll of film to get processed over the weekend……

0 thoughts on “

  1. Jen, hope you are feeling better today!  Way to go with your groceries!  I wish I could plan as well as you seem to!  I love your idea of posting your weekly menu- after seeing it several times, I also wish I were eating at your house!  Do you mind if I use the idea (menu plan) on my site?  Thanks for the calendar link 🙂 

  2. I really hope it’s not the flu.  Nothing is worse than being knocked on your butt with sickness and the kiddos feel fine.  Then you have to chase them all over creation when all you really want to do is take a nap.

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