Hello!!  Today is the first day of MEA for Josh does not have school.  He is happily sleeping in, but he does have homework to work on this evening.   He is planning on taking a friend to his Dad’s this weekend, but will not be able to if his homework isn’t done.  We had Joshua’s school conferences last night, he is doing ok.  He has some missing assignments that pulled down his grades significantly, but he will spend his break doing them!   He has a “B” in communications and a “D” in integrated algebra.  He has a few late assignments in algebra that he will be doing this week, yet.  If only I could get him to complete all his work and hand them in on time, life would be gone.  Right now he is grounded from the computer due to the grade in algebra.  So he hasn’t been able to work on his website at all. 

MsCaffeineaddict – your right about Erik – the school says he is at the bottom of the class due his low IQ so they pass him each year to the next grade since he is functioning to his capacity.   Ok, he is so far behind the other kids though.  It is frustrating to say the least.  We wish they would hold him back a year and maybe he would master some of the skills.  There are so many holes in his education on skills he just hasn’t mastered.  He still can’t consistently tell time, even.  He has no concept of time at all.   So maybe with the assessment he will be able to get an Individual Education Plan (IEP) and work on the missing skills he has.  

I hope you are feeling better!!!!!!  I can’t believe you are having three b-day parties….LOL!!   SO what are you plans for the parties??  I haven’t even sent out Tommy’s invitations yet.  I plan on doing that this weekend.  Tommy turns one on the 26th. 

Let’s see what else…hmmm…the drive to Red wing was nice.  I don’t have a book on tape checked out from the library.   And yes, MsCaffeieneAddict – Books on tape ROCK!!!   Glad you enjoy them.  Nice way to fit a book into our busy schedules.  I have a couple of books on reserve at the library so I will pick them up tomorrow night when the library is open later.  So instead I listened to this new talk radio station, FM107 on the way to Red Wing.  It was ok, but they play Dr. Laura and I must admit I really disagree with that woman and she makes me mad at times. 

I did nothing from my to do list last night.  I played with Tommy, watched Judging Amy and went to sleep.  That was enough excitement for me!

Well I suppose I should scoot and get ready for work.  No of course I type on here before I am dressed to my shoes….sorry Flylady.   Actually speaking of Flylady I heard her on that new radio station too….FM107!  It was just a short interview. 

I know I haven’t shared a recipe in ages, but I think I want to make this one this weekend.  

Top Secret Recipes
version of
Sweet Onion Sauce

by Todd Wilbur

The Sweet Onion Chicken Teriyaki Sandwich is one of Subway’s biggest new product rollouts in chain history. The sandwich is made with common ingredients: Teriyaki glazed chicken breast strips, onions, lettuce, tomatoes, green peppers, and olives. But what sets it apart from all other teriyaki chicken sandwiches is Subway’s delicious Sweet Onion Sauce. You can ask for as much of the scrumptious sauce as you want on your custom made sub at the huge sandwich chain, but you won’t get any extra to take home, even if you offer to pay. Now you can add a clone version of the sauce to your home-built sandwich masterpieces whenever you want. 

1/2 cup light corn syrup
1 tablespoon minced white onion

1 tablespoon red wine vinegar
2 teaspoons white distilled vinegar
1 teaspoon balsamic vinegar
1 teaspoon brown sugar
1 teaspoon buttermilk powder
1/4 teaspoon lemon juice
1/8 teaspoon poppy seeds
1/8 teaspoon salt
pinch cracked black pepper
pinch garlic powder

1. Combine all ingredients in a small microwave-safe bowl.
2. Heat mixture uncovered in the microwave for 1 to 1 1/2 minutes on high until mixture boils rapidly.
3. Whisk well, cover and cool. (http://www.topsecretrecipes.com)

Makes about 2/3 cup.

0 thoughts on “

  1. Sometimes a night off from a to-do list does wonders for the soul!  Playing with Tommy is definitely a much better idea!

  2. I’m sorry things are so frustrating with Erik right now.  I hope the assessment brings some positive changes for him!

    And thank you soooooooooo much for the recipe!  That is one of my favorite subs at Subway and now I can do it at home.  Yippeeeee!!! 

  3. Great graphics.  Never had that at Subway will try it next.

    Sounds like Erik is having some difficulties.  How old is he?  You have three children?  Right?  All boys?  I have two daughters.  But have four grandchildren.  Ages 2(boy), 5(boy), 7(girl) and 10(boy).  I am very proud of them.


  4. I’m feeling for Erik–yes, I hope they can work up an IEP, and if you really think having him stay back a year would be helpful to him, try to push for it!

    3 parties, yes.  Plans?  What plans?  Party on 10/26 is Halloween theme, but every weekend we intend to shop/plan/decorate, etc., something earth-shattering comes up (dh’s dad takes sick, my sister suddenly getting married in a few days [her military fiance about to be deployed]).   So we need some plans.  Luckily my mom is throwing one of the parties, so that lightens the load.

    BEST of luck planning Tommy’s party and getting Erik’s school situation squared away.  Little boy is crying, so I gotta hit the road! 

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