Tommy took a 3 hour nap this afternoon, but woke up very clingy and crying.  He just didn’t seem right so we took him to Urgent Care.  He wasn’t running a fever and would smile off and on, so I wasn’t sure he was even sick or not.   We finally saw the Dr and Tommy has a double ear infection, pussy fluid behind each drum and they were buldging, whatever that means.   So he is on anyibiotics and hopefully he will sleep fine tonight.  I wish I could tell when this kid is sick.  It is so hard and sometimes I take him in and they go, it is just teething…DUH!!! 

SO hopefully he will do better next weekend when we have to stay in a hotel in Aberdeen, SD!

0 thoughts on “

  1. whenever i thoguht ELi had an infection I was wrong… when I swore it was teething it was an ear infection.

    the first year and a hlaf are so hard in the respect

    Just think of the good things =)

  2. I am just catching up on reading your site and I CAN’T BELIEVE that poor Tommy is so sick  Sending “get well” vibes his (and your!) way!

    And sleeping in a hotel room with the baby…oh, man, that’s tough!  Just went through that in California for a WEEK.  Lost a lot of sleep on that one (sleeping in a strange place, mixed in with a little teething because we weren’t sleep-deprived & jetlagged enough), so I wish you better luck than we had!!!  Get well, Tommy and Ostara!

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