Didn’t get anything from my list done.  I worked late, since I want to take Friday off to prepare for Erik’s birthday.  I didn’t get home from work until about 8:00, so I spent the rest of the evening with Tommy.   He took 4 steps all by himself.  He will walk a few steps then dive at ya.  LOL!!   He is amazing.   Tonight I was getting up to get him and I said “ok Tommy lets go Night, Night”.  He waved bye bye and said “nye nye!”   He is learning so many amzing things.

My neice called tonight.  She is pregnant with her first child and I offered to give her some of Tommy’s stuff he is done with.  So on October 5th we are heading to Fargo, ND to take some stuff to her.  I am giving her his carseat, walker, bouncy chair and junk.   So we should have a van full for her.  She said she didn’t need much more clothing so I am going to go through what I have left here and jsut give her the best of the 0-3 and 3-6 that we have.  And all his cute Nike shoes!

Well I am off to exercise and get some rest.  Chat at ya in the AM!

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