Oh..I forgot to mention.  I of course was surfing on Ebay looking for a toy we had seen at a garage sale.  But I felt they wanted to much money for it.    I had been looking at the Music Block made by Neurosmith at store and they were too expensive!!    I won the Music Block on Ebay….I am very happy about that! 

Does anyone have these???  Does your child like them???   I am not sure which cartridges we will buy.  I will keep my eyes open on Ebay for them though. 

Believe it or not, I bought this for Tommy’s second brithday, so it will go in storage for a bit.  Hopefully by his birthday I will find a few cartridges for it. 

Now I have to sell some things on Ebay to cover the cost of the toy.  That is the deal we made I have to sell to be able to buy.  I have a number of really nice snow boats to sell that are too small for my big footed baby!

Check out Tommy’s new Toy:   Music Blocks

0 thoughts on “

  1. very neatoh, never saw it before…and I used to be a music teacher!!!  Careful….hubby might want to play…especially if he can come up with some 70’s and 80’s tunes!!!

    can hear the kids now tho…..

    da da da dahhhhhhhhhhhhh

    da da da dahhhhhhhhhhhhh


    dadadada ….dadadada……dadadada!!!

    da da da da!!!!    da da da da!!!! da da da da….da…da!

    (name that tune!!!*L*)

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