Morning…….it is nearly 8:00am.  I am up and semi awake.  I need to get ready and then we are heading to church for the 9:45 service.  After Church we well probably go to Old Country Buffet and then we are going to the Children’s Museum.  It is the free Sunday at the Children’s Museum.  I think TOmmy will have more fun this time since he can crawl around the habitat room now.  Before when we went he wasn’t crawling yet.

The chicken I made last night was really good, but take a lot of work to make.  I suppose it might not have been so bad if I had had two electric fry pans.  I had alot of chicken to fry, then I baked it.  Definitely not low fat with all fat it was fried in.  I also made stove top dressing, which Tommy really liked.  

Erik has been a terrible listener since getting here on Friday.  I hope today goes better.  Sure make the weekend no fun when you have to police him all the time.  Plus during his sleep over he snuck upstairs and got more snacks and stuff, which he wasn’t suppose to do.  Now I am suppose to be make invitations for his b-day party for next time he comes over.  ARGH!!  He wants to have a sleep over again, after that he is done with sleep overs for a while until he can listen.  Not exactly happy with that child this weekend.  We left him with Josh for about an hour when we went to a garage sale and he didn’t listen for Josh.   SO now Josh can’t babysit him and he needs to come with us everytime. 

Time to hit the shower…………later!  Have a great and relaxing Sunday!

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