Today did not turn out as planned.  Hubby didn’t want to go to the Children’s Musuem, which wasn’t so bad since Erik wasn’t really listening again today.  Actually I think Hubby just wanted to watch the Viking Football game!   LOL!! Oh Well,,,,,,,,,,,,,

We ended up going to brunch at Denny’s since the sermon ran long and we didn’t get out in time for breakfast at Old Country Buffet. 

I was able to have a lovely afternoon nap, much needed as I think I am getting a sinus infection.  I have had a throbbing headache all day and pain in my sinuses.  We will see how I feel in the morning.  After a couple hours nap, I was up and straightened out a couple of cupboards in the kitchen while Tommy finished his nap. 

Once Tommy got up, we went for about an 20 minute bike ride.  Just Tom and Mom………It was nice.  He sang his little baby songs while we rode…He sounds like he is singing at least since he goes constantly! 

Tommy went down for another nap after that and I too did.  This one was short since hubby’s ex was coming to get Erik and we needed to talk to her about the assessment we are getting done on Erik.  I really don’t think she is concerned in the least about Erik.  She thinks he will just outgrow his problems….hmmm…never heard of a kid outgrowing a low IQ, but what do I know???  Wait….I work with children like this for a living!!!  Her comments is “That’s just Erik”.  Ok, when your visiting the child in prison, remember “that’s just Erik!” .  …Not that I think that is where Erik will end up, but this that attitude he isn’t going to succeed.  Erik Plays with fire….oh “that’s jsut Erik”.   Erik Spray Paints Tommy’s oak bed in storage, AAAH…that is just Erik.  Hmmm….no consequences???  The list goes on and on……………….. The frustration I see my hubby having over this is terrible.  He is coming to gripes way better than she ever has about where Erik is cognitively.  But that really isn’t the problem, the problem is the lying, sneaking, and not listening.

I need hep from you expert Mommies out there….What do I do about Tommy biting me all the time????   OUCH!!!  He gets excited when he sees me and bites me in the leg.  He gives me a hug and bites my shoulder.  I have marks all over me.  I have tried saying “NO BITE”.  which I decided to stop, since i think he thinks he is kissing me.  He does this out of affection and mostly to me.   So now when he is biting I say “Kiss, Kiss” and make a kissing sound.  NOt seeing much of a result, any suggestions???????

UT-Oh…Paul just put Tommy down for bed and he is crying.  I don’t think he is ready to head to bed yet!   Well time for me to head to bed.  Have a great week………..ARGH!! Tomorrow is Monday   I hope a good nights sleep will cure this headache!!

0 thoughts on “

  1. Hope you are feeling better

    Good luck w/Erik’s assessment and w/Tommy’s biting!  My 2 year old bites sometimes too…like you said, happy to see me…”chomp” on the leg!  If you figure it out, please let me know!

  2. yes ithink they have it confused with kissing. just keep saying “to biting please, that hurts mommy” maybe even bite him just enough for it to hurt a bit and let him se the difference. my son used to do the samer thing. infact at 2yrs old when he gets excited he still does it.

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