I am off to bed…my stress level has dropped.   I spent a relaxing evening going for a bike ride with hubby and baby.  I sat in my living room quietly watching as my baby discovered the world around him.  This is my favorite activity in the world.  He would crawl and cruise from item to item….intently investigating everything.  He is just thrilled with zippers.  He found a bag and pillow with a zipper tonight.   He was so excited. 

New cute baby tricks Tommy has learned:

  • Clap his hands
  • Shake his head “no”.
  • Wave “bye bye”
  • Crawl anywhere for a funyuns….(junk food is so motivating)
  • Splash Mommy during his bath. 

Babies are such a miracle……….what a blessing.   Spending time with my children always bring everything back to perspective.  What is important in life…… My time with my children is so precious and so little.   With my work I am a part of many children’s lives……but nothing like what I have iwth my own children.  I need to enjoy my time with them.

4 thoughts on “

  1. It is truly like watching a miracle everyday when you have little ones.  The time goes by so fast and we need to cherish every moment of it!!!

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