Yawn……YAwn………….YAWN!!  I am so tired this morning.  I let Erik has a sleep over  and the little boy that slept over, came up at 12:00am and wanted to go home.  So I went downstairs and let them leave the TV on, etc…and settled them bakc in for the night. so so I thought.  At at about 2:00, the little boy came into my room and said I woke up again and I want to go home.  Ok….so now I have to call his mom, wake her up and wake hubby up to take the boy home.   YEAH!!  We are all exhausted.  NO MORE SLEEP OVERS!!!  Well at least not for Erik until his b-day, next month.

Anne789 – to answer your question, I work as a social worker.  I work with children with developmental disabilities and their families.  I currently work with over 50 families.  Last night I did decide to work late and got a lot done, but of course not entirely caught up from vacation.  I got home around 8:30 last night.  I think I might be putting in a 12 hour day today as well, since I really have a pile of stuff to do on my desk.  ARGH!!!   Trust me in my job it doesn’t feel like you are ever caught up, but much closer than this!  Saturday, I am going to sleep the day away or at least try!  

The night before last my oldest son had a sleep over and they left my freezer open all night.  I have 20 pounds of ham in there that got defrosted.  So I will be cooking up a storm of meals to freeze this weekend.  ARGH!!

I am off to read a couple of blogs and head to work………..YAWN!!  I need to have some serious diet Mt. Dew!!!!!  Sorry not a coffee drinker (don’t tell Mscaddeineaddict, but I can’t stand the stuff!…*gasp)

0 thoughts on “

  1. Yikes…that’s a lot of ham!!!  Have fun cookin’.  Post some recipes!  Sorry Erik’s sleepover didn’t go better.

  2. after two different times of my freezer mysteriously getting opened and left opened byt an annonymous person… and after having to throw away a ton of meat and salvage what I could… I have made a commandment in this house that if anyone dares to touch my freezer I WILL beat them.

    I haven’t had any problems in over a year now! =)

  3. oh dear the dreaded sleepover!!! is it not enough that they don;t let you sleep more than 2 hours straight for the first year or so of their lives that they feel the ned to revisit the situation just when you’;ve rediscovered the concept of a full nights uninterrupted sleeping …. aaargggggghhh!

    i wish you: rest!

  4. Thanks for telling me what you do.  I can see how you would never really be caught up in your work.  My kids have had several sleepovers since about 3rd or 4th grade, and thank goodness no one has ever wanted to go home!!! 

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