I survived my first day back to work after vacation.  Those days are always a killer!!!

I started my morning off with a head ache.  I needed to be at the Dr by 9:00 to have my annual physical.   I made it there and had to wait a lot, but got a bit of my book read.  I am actually enjoying it so far.   I am reading the Nanny Diaries.   Physical went fine then I had to wait to have the lab draw to check my cholesteral.   The lab was backed up so that again took a while.  Then it was off to the post office to mail a book I sold on Half.com and some birthday cards and bills.  After that I dropped Joshua’s registrations stuff for Confirmation at the church.   Then it was finally time to head to work!!!!!!

Work my desk was covered with 10 days of mail.  The light on my phone was blinking like crazy with messages and I had a ton of emails.  Only a few crisises, which I haven’t even dealt with them all yet.  So tomorrow I have unit meeting in the morning and a meeting with a family in the afternoon that should that the entire afternoon.  ARGH… and I still haven’t found relief for one of my families in crisis.  I need to be able to work late a night or two to catch up.  I might be able to work late tomorrow night.  So work is a bit overwhleming, but it always is whenever I take a single day off, just multiply that by 10!!  Oh well, I will make my way through it!

After work I went to the chiropractor to have my back adjusted.  I feel a little better, but a bit sore.  I always feel a inch taller after I leave the chriopractor office.   LOL!!!  

This evening was pretty relaxed, I layed on the couch with the heating pad for a bit after supper.  I really didn’t accomplish much, oh well, I will fly another day.   I did get my menu done for the week, and started some laundry this morning.  I did take a walk with Tommy tonight.  I haven’t been exercising much at all these last few months so I am easing back into that as well.

I am off to update my checkbook and move some money online and then off to bed early to read and get some sleep.  I am not back on my work sleep schedule yet.

Paul took Tommy to the Dr this afternoon to have his ears rechecked.  Tommy got an ear infection while we were on vacation and we had to take him to a Dr out of state.   His ears look clear and fine today.  He is crabby, but Dr said it is teeth.  Argh…always something.   He sure is getting good about walking between the furniture.  I have a feeling we will be walking alone soon!  


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