Busy day………we went to my company picnic at Como Park.   It was so hot!!  I believe the temps were in the 90’s.  The baby was so red faced and crying.   We didn’t stay too long, we rode the carausel and looked at a few animals.  We stopped at the DQ o nthe way home.  At the picnic they had a drawing for door prizes, and I won a box of golf balls.  I don’t golf so I gave them to my neighbor Jerry. 

We had a huge rain storm here.   the street out front our house flooded up to the boy’s hips.   Right out front our house wasn’t so deep, but a bit further down a neighbor was giving the kids canoe rides on the street.  ROFL!!  We took Tommy out to walk in the street.  He loved it….he cried everytime I cried to get him out.   I held his hands and he walked inthe water for about an hour.   We were both soaking wet, and took hot showers when we came it.  But it was a lot of fun, great memories for sure. 

Though the boys love when it rains and the street floods, it sort of makes ya mad.  We jsut had our street redone about 4 years ago, and they swore it wouldn’t flood anymore.  I am still paying on my portion of the road construction and our street still floods in some places it is waist deep.   The water now is almost gone, but the boys all hada great time!

Well I am heading to bed early tonight.  I have a headache for being in the heat so much today.  I go to work tomorrow at our new building.   I will spending the day finding my way around and unpacking.  My neighbor across the street worked on the building.  His company did the fire and water system I guess.  Well I will let ya know how the move went tomorrow….hmmmm…will I have a working phone or computer???   Will I have all my files in my cubicle when I get there????   Should be intersting.  The information technology people were suppose to be there all weekend getting stuff set up and working for us, hope it is!!! 

Now I even had to remember to wear my ID badge, my previous building we didn’t really wear those……etc….was very layed back, I hope it stays that way in the new building but I have my doubts.   

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