I did manage to get a bit motivated, must be guilt.   I cleaned in my bedroom.  I am almost done decluttering in there.  I have my closet and bin of clothes left to go through.  If I find time I think I will even go through my dresser.   We will see.   Either way I have our bedroom back looking pretty nice.  That is the one room that goes to pot quickly.  I hid everything I don’t want the boys to get into in my room.  ARGH!!   Future B-day presents, etc.  I like to buy on clearance after xmas.

I have all of Tommy’s b-day presents already, even the ones his grandma will be giving him.  I have to always buy the presents for her.  ARGH!!   I still have to find a present for Grandma to give to Erik, but I have Erik’s all done. 

Well I have a nice vanilla candle lite in my  bedroom.  Oh how inviting my room looks.  My hubby will be so happy, I even dusted! I started a bag to donate, I just hope my hubby doesn’t look in it…LOL!  He hates to get rid of stuff. 

Tommy is finally taking a nap for the day.  He has been alseep for a while, so I better scoot and work on the laundry somemore and do dishes before he wakes up.

Joshua and his friends went to Marketfest……..so it is just me right now, maybe I should go lay in my room and read my book?????  Hmmmmmmmmmm……….not a bad idea.  

3 thoughts on “

  1. You are my FlyIdol!!!  I did much decluttering of clothes (and accessories, as per our Monday Fly Mission), and am getting pleased.  But our bedroom is not yet a room of peace.  Baby steps, right??   I think it’s great that you buy your Christmas presents early, too!

  2. You are my FlyIdol!!!  I did much decluttering of clothes (and accessories, as per our Monday Fly Mission), and am getting pleased.  But our bedroom is not yet a room of peace.  Baby steps, right??   I think it’s great that you buy your Christmas presents early, too!

  3. PLEASE come clean my bedroom.  It’s the worst room in the house.  As soon as I clean it for some reason it’s a mess again!! UGH!

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