Morning………slow moving this morning.  I had a hard time waking up.  ARGH….still a bit tired.  But this can of diet Mt. Dew with breakfast should do the trick.  I am terrible, but I hate the taste of coffee…so have to get the caffeine from somewhere. 

Something is weird with my yahoo mail.   I haven’t been getting hardly any mail.  I couldn’t believe this since my book discussion on book moms was suppose to start.  This morning I had a ton of email dating back to like last Thursday, what is going on???   There is such a delay in the mail, might as well be snail mail!!!

Tonight Hubby has school, so I hope Tommy cooperates and lets me get a few things done.  I still need to clear off the dining room table.  My major hot spot.   I have it full of folded clean clothes to put away.   Nothing too exciting going on I don’t think.  We will probably just stay in the house since it is way too hot for the baby. 

I do need to do my menus as well……….argh……..always something to do that is for sure!  I have to do all my cleaning and stuff between the hours of 9:00am and 11:00 since that is when Tommy is in bed………I can’t wait till he his able to amuse himself a bit more.   He always wants to be held now………

Off to hit the shower, fold one load of clothes and go to work.   Later!!!!!     Oh yeah, BTW, what did my hubby accomplish yesterday???  NOTHING!!!!  Did watch alot of  shows on Discovery Channel last night while I was cooking ,etc.   He drives me nuts, and constantly says jsut go to bed and I will do that in the morning……….but then he doesn’t do whatever it was.   He needs to get a job, he is a total slacker lately as a stay at home Dad.   He spends a lot of time on the computer, watching TV and of course he always compains how hard it is to get his nap in, one of the kids always wake him………….OH WHAH!!!!!!!!!   ok…end of rant…..don’t blame me, you asked!

3 thoughts on “

  1. …same problem w/ Yahoo mail. Sent them a gram this morning.
    …suggestion: when hubby says he’ll do something write it down on sheet of paper entitled “Hubby’s Calandar”. Have columns headed Will Do and Date Completed. Will save you anquish and will give him concrete evidence of what to do.

  2. I had the same problem with my yahoo mail too.  Last time it did this, someone had hacked into one of their servers.  A chore chart for hubby sounds like a good idea. 

  3. Your description of your hubby made me laugh.  My dh realized the hard work when he kept William for the afternoon.  He would much rather do laundry and housework I think!

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