I actually finished my book last night for the BookMoms.  I am on schedule for once.  As for the July book, I have already read that one, so I am on to the book for August I guess.  Hmmmmm….I wonder what that is……….

Expecting Adam, Martha Beck :  July 31 – Read already.
Good in Bed, Jennifer Weiner:  August 31
A Year by the Sea, Anderson:  September 30, 2002

I have to look through the discussion questions for Sometimes I Dream in Italian, yet. 

Off to work…………later!

I have to work on changing my site, I am sick of the flowers…….hmmmmmmm.  Need something different.

2 thoughts on “

  1. …had to pop-in to see what you are sick of.  I understand. Your wallpaper is a lot like “wallpaper.” That’s exactly why I do not wallpaper my walls, get tired of it too quickly.
    …thanks for listing your book list. Always interested in what others are reading. I like the idea of the discussion questions made availabel. Will have to suggest this to BookWorms. MuSe

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