
IT IS FRIDAY!!!  YEAH…last day of work for the week!  I am so happy!   I need a break.   I have been a bad flybaby lately, but this week I seem to have gotten back on the wagon and really don’t have much to do cleaning wise this weekend.

Last night the beach idea was a bust, since it rained.  So the boys had friends over and play video games, etc.  Josh actually rearranged the family room and cleaned his room a bit.  I not sure what he wants…LOL!! 

As for my list last night, Let’s see how I did……………

Tasks to complete Last night:

Take boys to beach
Put laundry away
Give Tommy a bath
Get Tommy’s weekly developmental activity ready
Do some Filing.


Do a couple of cleaning tasks in the Kitchen.
Make Copies and mail the childcare reimbursement stuff.
Have a drink, relax and read my book for the month for book club.

0 thoughts on “

  1. …enjoyed discovering you are a “flybaby.” I confess I received the emails but have yet to jump on the bandwagon. Reading you in practice inspires me. Has being a flybaby really helped? How did you regain your momentum? Will you be my flybaby partner? MuSe

  2. I tried flylady but I just couldn’t get with the program.  Even though I get dressed everyday, I never wear makeup and shoes are a no-no in the house.  I’m such a rebel. 

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