I have been pretty busy tonight, trying to get some household things done around here.  It is hard to do things since Tommy cries when you leave the room he is in.   He is still going through the separation thing. 

I completed the following off my list…….

  • 1 Hour cleaning of house (flylady style)
  • Bag up the mangoes in the ice cube trays
  • Make menus for the next three weeks
  • Update the Freezer inventory since I made a lot of meals of weekend (we even updated what was in the freezer)
  • Update the family calendar for May! 
  • Pay bills (ICK!!)

So tomorrow night I only have to clean off the dining room table and pay the bills.   That should take up most of my evening.  Paul is off at school all evening so I will have to care for Tommy as well.  I have to work a bit late so Josh will watch Tommy for me for about an hour. 

Wednesday, Tommy has a Dr appointment and more shots.  ARGH!

4 thoughts on “

  1. not impressive, but suffer from insomia at times and a bit hyper active….alot of energy once in a while…LOL!!!   I have a milllion other things that I did put on the list, that i need to do, like that darn thesis!

  2. not impressive, but suffer from insomia at times and a bit hyper active….alot of energy once in a while…LOL!!!   I have a milllion other things that I did put on the list, that i need to do, like that darn thesis!

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