Today is going pretty good, Tommy is cooperating and taking nap.  I have completed updating a file and have my last transfer done!  Whew!   I have started on a second service plan as well.  So things are going pretty well.  Tommy is still napping so after this it is back to typing away a service plan.

It is windy as all get out here in MN.  My sons’ basketball hoop just blew over into the road so I had to run out and try to lift that.  Fun!   The city must be doing something with our water as I turned on the tap to make a bottle and it is running yellow.  ICK!! Tommy won’t be drinking that for a while.  My BIL ran over a couple of bottles of water for me, so we will be using that for a while. 

I have to run over the AUgsburg College today and pick up my thesis.  PLEASE, PLEASE say she isn’t asking for a lot of revisions.  I just NEED to be done with that thing! 

The other day I had a training at work and I walked away with one thing that really stuck with me, each day before we get to work we choose our attitude.   That is so true.  I can tell the days I choose to be crabby VS. the days I choose to be happy.  

ANother thing struck me the other day at a staff meeting my co-workers are so stressed and at the end of their ropes.  Our job is very stressful and we have to give a lot emotionally.  But for ONCE in my life I am not at that same place.  I was wondering why that was??  I don’t work any harder than the rest, or any less at that matter.  Why am I less stressed lately??

I have made a real distinction in my life.  I have work and I have family.  My priority for years has been work, I have shifted that to family.   And it feels so good.  Do I work less hours?  Probably about the same.  But when I am at work, I am AT WORK!  I call home only about once to check on Tommy during my break otherwise I really try to focus on my work.   The big change is this, at home I only focus on home!   No longer am I trying to get extra work done in the evenings.  I work my hours for the week and that is it.  I feel better and am able to get more done at work as a result since my life is balanced.  Oh yeah of course I get out of balance occasionally (at least once a week) but I know what needs to be done. 

Of course my balance is challenged on Wednesdays when I work at home.  Luckily that is only for another month then I will be at the office on Wednesday again.    I will be at the office all summer, and when I am home, I will truly be at home.   I have been sleeping better since I have made this mental distinction.   I no longer make lists in my head about what I need to do at work, or at least I don’t do it every night.  I did have to lower my expectations, perfection is no longer my goal. 

I need that balance.  I missed so much of Josh’s life by being at work or not willing to take time off of work.  He would have something at school and I wouldn’t feel like I could take time off of work.  Tommy is my last baby and I will not miss out this time.    I go in late to work on Friday’s and go to ECFE with him and just work later.   That is balance……..and it feels good.   I go to Dr appointments with him and will be at school functions when the time comes.  

Tomorrow is Take you kid to work day, so since I have been at my current job, I take Josh with me to work.  He enjoys it.  We go out to lunch together and they find clerical jobs for him to do, etc.   I am so thankful that I work for such a family Friendly place. 

I only have this short period of time with my children and my job will most likely be with me forever or at least until I retire.   My babies will grow up.  My job must come second.  That is my new thought and it is keeping me sane.   I can work late and stuff, I just don’t want to miss a special moment in my children’s lives again.  I can’t get the ones back I have missed adn that makes me sad.

If in my life I could have anything it would be to be a stay at home mom.  But that isn’t goingto happen so I do that best I can to maintain a healthy balance.   Some have not been that keen on my new boundaries since I have always been available whenever I aneeded for my job.  Now there are two days a week that I have to be home by 5:00 due to family commitments and Wednesdays for the last few weeks has been a time I have to not have meetings.   I work from home.   The other three nights of the week I will work as late as needed.  I have some night appointments where I don’t get home until 9:00.   Which is fine as long and it is balanced.   Some have complained, but I need to do this to continue working and being happy.   I have given far too much to others than I did my own family.   I think my family deserves more……………………………………….. 

No learning is so good as to which teacheth and moveth to virtue – Sir Philip Sidney

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