Yeah..the weekend is getting closer and closer.   I need a few days off!   Though I have a ton of things planned to do…we will see how that goes. 

I finally broke down and called my allergist about my asthma and allergies.  I got my script refilled and found out exactly which of my meds me wants me on how that I am no longer pregnant.   I picked up the script and will get on my new regime now, so hopefully I will start breathing better.   But this is the usual time for me to be sick and then again it gets bad end of August beginning on September.  I sure hope that Tommy doesn’t get my allergies and asthma.  Josh has numerous food and season allergies just like me.   I suspect he will eventually be diagnosed with asthma as well.  He doesn’t always do that well when they test his lung capacity.

I decided to do my shopping tonight since I have to go to Red Wing, MN for a meeting tomorrow for work, so I will be working late.  I will have to drive the van since I can’t trust my car to go that far.  They darn thing always gets hot whenever you turn on the A/C.   I have had it into numerous garages and no one can figure what is wrong with it.  After Paul is working I will be needing to buy a new vehicle.   My car has almost 170,000 miles on it so I have gotten my money’s worth out of it for sure!  

I bought Tommy 2 pairs of shorts at Once Upon a Child.  So he has a few things that fit him.  I have to get the 18 months box out of the basement and see if some of that might fit him as well.   He is a big boy, plus much of his clothes are used so they seem to have shrunk. 

Well I am off to get the turkeys out of the freezer, my hubby said he would cook them tomorrow for me.  Then when I get home I will cut up the meat and stuff.   Saturday morning we are going to the ECFE garage sale and then I will make the turkey broth. 

Saturday evening my IL’s are coming over for supper.  We are having seafood fettuccine and Alaskan King Crab….YUMMY!!   It is my father in law’s birthday. 

Well I am off to bed, we have ECFE in the morning.  NIGHT!

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