hello….it has been one of those whirl wind days.  Plus I have not been feeling very well all day ;-(   We didn’t even go to our church class tonight. 

I did work on my Turkey plan today for my cooking session, which I might try to do this weekend.  We will see since we are suppose to have the IL’s over for supper on Saturday!   Might be too much cooking for one weekend.

As for my Turkey Plan I am going to made turkey broth from the two carcasses.  Then with the cut up meat I will be making, turkey noodle soup, turkey wild rice soup, turkey pot pie filling, turkey divan, turkey and noodles and turkey ala king.  I hope have enough meat to do that.   I might have to scale back the number of servings I make of a few things.  Now to make my grocery list and get the stuff on Friday. 

Let’s see what else I am doing……….oh yeah…I set the date for my garage sale, May 17th and 18th.   We decided actually more Paul, that it would be a great idea if we could do a neighborhood sale.  So we made flyers tonight and passed them out in the neighborhood.  So far we have received one call of a family wanting to participate and I know two others have already talked to me about it.  Plus my SIL is putting things into our sale and will help with the sale as well.   I hope my Mom will be able to come for the sale to help.  My dad always seems to need an excuse to allow her to come stay.  It would be nice if she could just come to spend time with her grandsons.   So now needless to say, the sale has become a huge thing!  LOL!!  Things always seem to go that way for me.  

Oh yeah…and the couple that was planning and organizing the annual block party, decided not to do it this year.  So Paul and I are planning it with another couple.  Should be fun………LOL!!  Yep, one more activity.  I seem to be getting a busy little life again.  Oh well……..well I should be off to bed.  

I hope to feel better tomorrow so I can go to work.  I will have to take a sick day for today as I won’t be able to make the hours up this weekend.  Usually that is what I do, but won’t be able to this weekend as we are so busy. 


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