Working at home Update……….

Ok…so far so go.  I am taking a little break here.  It has been going pretty well so far. 

After I was showered and dressed to my shoes (*smirk), I got Tommy up dressed and fed.  We played for a bit, then he went in his bouncy car and watched his baby Mozart video.  While he did that I completed the updates to one service plan.  WHOO HOO!!

After I was done with that report I changed him and played a bit with him.  Then he went into his swing  and I worked on my second plan to write today.  I actually had only thought I would get one done my noon and here I am starting on my second one.  This is good!   

Tommy has now fallen asleep in his swing so it is time for me to type furiously at this plan and get it done before he wakes up.  This one will take a bit longer since I have to write the plan from scratch, is not just an update.     

So far so good, I will check back in with ya all around lunch time maybe.   I have to keep myself motivated and working………LATER!

P.S. – Great News, I don’t have to watch Kristen today…. I’m glad since I want to get a lot of plans done. 

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